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Just a Handful is Enough! Bra Review and Giveaway

You know those people who said running is the cheapest sport because all you need is shoes? Well, they're clearly not women. For me to have a successful run, I need a good pairs of shoes, wicking socks, shorts that don't chafe me, a non-cotton top, my Garmin, some body glide, and a sports bra. And let's be honest here--sometimes finding the right bra can be the most difficult part of all. 

For my chest size (aka the cups aren't exactly "running over") it seems like sports bras come in two styles:
1) flattening compression bras
2) completely unsupportive bras

Well, call me vain if you want, but I like to have support when I run, and also keep a little shape. And I definitely want people to recognize that I'm a woman when I run past! That's why I'm so excited to be the proud new owner of a HANDFUL bra! 

I'm in love! Handful bras are designed to "flatter, not flatten" and it's true! Removable pads contour the body and keep some shape even when you're working out. These bras can easily be worn as a normal daytime bra, since they flatter so nicely, are comfortable, and come in five great colors. But the true test? I wore the HANDFUL bra for my 12 mile run on Friday--with success! Even in 80+ degree temperatures, there was no chafing, I felt great, and I looked good (if I do say so myself!)

Obviously these bras are great for running:

But I also tried it out for yoga, and then forgot to take it off all day! I love that these are so versatile, and that I feel comfortable in them even when I'm not working out. These bras also come to you in the cutest mesh bag, perfect for tossing in the washing machine.

I chose the pink Handful, because who doesn't love a dose of pink in their day? 

If you're not a pink fan, or you just want to have a variety, the Handful bra comes in five colors, each of which I'll be purchasing soon! The sizing is pretty simple, with 4 sizes from X-small to Large:

Ready for a chance to win your very own Handful bra? Of course you are! Here's how you can win:

(leave one comment for each entry)

+1: Become a follower of Gourmet Runner, or let me know if you are already!
+1: Like Handful on Facebook, and let them know I sent you!
+1: Blog, Tweet, or Facebook about this giveaway
+1: Let me know which color Handful you would like to have
+1: BONUS: Make me feel better by telling me why it's great to have just a "handful!! :)

Giveaway will end on Sunday, August 14th at midnight!

Disclaimer: I received my Handful bra free of charge, bur these opinions are completely my own. 


  1. oh i love a great bra! thanks for the review. i am a new follower of Gourmet Runner :-)

  2. I liked handful on facebook and let them know I found them through you

  3. i would like either the white or nude bra, i know plain and simple but that is how I roll sometimes :-)

  4. it is great to have just a handful because tops fit us better and we don't have to go up a larger size because of our girls, plus my husband loves my handful boobs, just enough for him! and if he loves them as they are, then that is a good enough reason for me!

  5. I follow you. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

  6. Also, small boobs are just more convenient! DUHHHH.

  7. i'd actually go for all the colors - they're all great color options

  8. I liked on FB and said that you sent me

  9. you get to wear smaller sizes with 'just a handful', you don't have to worry about being slapped in the face when you run, & you don't have to worry about them being down at your knees later on in life.

  10. It's great to have a handful because I'm in that club too!!!

  11. I would choose a pink handful bra, although the black would be cute too!

  12. I have "just a handful" too--my favorite reason why it's great? No backaches from "bouncing" while running!

  13. I posted the giveaway on my blog. :)

  14. I think I would go for the pink and the black. They are really cute for a sports bra!

  15. Of course I am already following you!

  16. Pink or black... hmmm, maybe cocoa? Love them all.

  17. For me, the best part of being a handful. is not having to bother with a bra at all (other than working out) if I don't want to!

  18. I WISH I was in the just a handful club. It would be nice to not have horrible chafing on the underside after a long run. Or to not be really sore for 2 days from the up and down bouncing. Plus you can wear those cute little tanks with just a shelf bra in them. I so wish I was back in that club!

    Do you really think a 32 C+ would fit in the x-tra small? I am in the market for some new bras but I hate to buy without trying on. (Especially since I am such a weird size. Is there a lot of give in yours for some extra boobage? Or do you think they would be spilling out the top?

  19. Going to link to this post on my blog
    Eat Run Sail

  20. I'm already a follower of Handful on FB!

  21. I think I'd go for the pink or the black, either for the splash of color or because it will match all the running clothes I already own.

  22. I think my BF loves my handful more than I do! I used to be down about it but having bustier friends go through rough experiences with shopping and exercising and being seen as automatically slutty has really changed my mind. Especially when it comes to running! Nothing flying up to hit me in the face :)

  23. And... it's great to have just a handful because they don't get in your way!

  24. Ahh, I so wish I could buy cute running bras like that one. I am, let us say *cough* well endowed, and when it comes to running it is an endless gauntlet of trying to find the best supportive running bra *read* The ugliest bra on the planet* so that I don't feel like I have two 8lb weights bouncing up and down on my chest. Yeah, not fun.

    Embrace and enjoy your more runner friendly figure!

  25. ...and a member of the "just a handful club" :)

  26. I'd love to rock the cocoa color.

  27. Um really? Not a fan of pink. Is there such a thing?

  28. hey us handful girls have to stick together. positives - lack of back pain and creep stares

  29. I am a new follower of your blog!! Love running across new running blogs! I have never heard of this brand of bra before! Thanks for the review!!

  30. I am a fan on facebook and I left them a comment!!

  31. I would definately pick the black one!!

  32. I am a member of the just a handful club too!

  33. Already a follower of your AMAZING blog! Your bra matches your animal cookies :)

  34. I would probably go for the pink so we could be twins!

  35. It's great to have just a handful because people like us don't have to worry about: future back pain, spilling out of low-cut shirts or bikini tops, creepy old men staring at us, getting hit in the face while we are running, and future saggy-ness! Oh, and we can go braless if we want too :) I hate regular bras!

  36. I've heard great things about this bra- thanks for your review! I'd pick pink or cocoa.

  37. As someone with just a hand full- you know what they say- "anything more than a hand full will just sprain a thumb"

  38. I am already a follower. I have trouble finding bras that aren't too loose in the band underneath the boobies. I'm a 32C and something that fits my shoulders never seems to be tight enough on the band. I've got the chafing scars to prove it :(

  39. I think I'd have to go with black it would match more of my stuff

  40. I would love to have one in black!

  41. Just a handful... :-) that's easy it's less painful.

  42. All my sports bras are white so maybe I'll branch out and try black.

  43. Having a "handfull" is great because shopping for tops is easy and everything always fits.

  44. "Liked" Handful on FB and told them you sent me!

  45. Hmmm... I think I would go with Pink! or maybe black.

  46. While I don't LOVE having the chest of a 12 year old boy- I can't imagine what it would be like to run with some 36D's! Sounds painful to me!

  47. I would love the black one. I've been wearing the same black sports bra since high school, and that was 7 years ago.

  48. It is great to have a handful because when you go without a bra, no one even really notices. Yay for freedom!

  49. Already a follower of Gourmet Runner.

  50. I like them on facebook

  51. I think I would choose black!

  52. I posted a link on the sidebar of my blog :)

  53. It's great to have a handful because I don't want my already small handful be totally smooshed and flat when I run... :)

  54. I'm a follower! Great giveaway, I feel your pain in the sports bra department lol

  55. I wish I could tell you why it's better to have just a handful... I'm currently nursing and rocking 34E's. I can't remember the "just a handful" days! But I could DEFINITELY use a supportive sports bra. Mine all suck!

  56. I would choose the cocoa - I've never seen a brown sports bra!

  57. Oh Em Gee! Chelsey just did this & I didn't win -- so you're giving me a second chance?! I LOVE IT!! OF COURSE I follow your blog -- YOU'RE AWESOME:)

  58. I "Like" Handful on Facebook -- and in real life, too;)

  59. I want ALL the colors, but if I can only get one, black XS is perfect:)

  60. I added your faaaaaabulous giveaway to my blog sidebar so everyone can make it harder for me to win! =D

  61. Oooh yay! I'm a follower! Pick me, pick me :)

  62. I think it's great to have just a handful because the hubby thinks them perfect :)

  63. Why aren't you on twitter? Are you on twitter?! We may or may not have already had this conversation;) Anyway, I tweeted about this twitterrific giveaway!!

  64. It's great to have "just a handful" because we don't "HAVE TO" wear a bra if we don't want to -- did I really just write that on a BRA giveaway blog post?!

  65. WHAT an awesome giveaway!! I have followed you for ages girlie!! :)

  66. It's better to just have a handful because it makes it easier to run!! Take it from me -- I used to be a C and now I'm an A -- I never knew running/moving in general could be so painfree!

  67. I'm a follower. Google reader style. love that you have no inhibitions about posing online in a bra -- haha. btw, you look gooooooood

  68. I would love to have the pink one :)

  69. having just a hand full is great, because we can wear dresses and shirts that are less supportive. plus, we don't have to worry about painful bouncing when running (i have a friend that can't run because of this).

  70. I follow you via Google Reader!

  71. I would like either the pink or black... hmm! Tough choice!

  72. It's awesome to have just a handful because we know if people are asking the "are those real?" they must be talking about our amazing legs that look awesome from all the running we can do... because we know they aren't asking about our "handfuls!"

  73. following via google reader!

  74. good to wear under shirts that are thin and need a cover up but not wanting to show a bra type.

  75. Very cute!! Obviously I'm a follower :-)

  76. And obviously I'd want pink :-)

  77. ummmm....HELLO u were my very fist follower ever and i was a follower of urs from the start! :)

  78. i'd swipe a white one if i as the lucky winner. :)

  79. ok so i prolly only have about a pinkieful...BUT a handful looks absolutely stunning on u!! u doing the superwoman pose i think takes the cake. :)

  80. I follow you!

    Just think how much less painful it is to run when you just have a handful :)

  81. I obviously already follow you!!! I've been wanting one of these bras for so long!!

  82. I would want a black Handful bra!!

  83. I already like them on Facebook!!!

  84. Haha I think "handful" means just enough of something!!! I feel your pain with the whole sports bra thing... they always flatten me out and although I don't need MUCH support, I'd like a little!!!

  85. I like Handful on Facebook and told them you sent me.

  86. I posted this giveaway on Facebook!

  87. I posted this giveaway on my blog -

  88. Smaller boobs look better on an athletic body!

  89. Looks and sounds like a great bra! I'm a follower!

  90. I'd go for pink. I like everything in pink!!

  91. And a handul is PLENTY, especially when it comes to sports. Do you want those girls bobbing around all over the place when you run? Whiplash!!

  92. I love this giveaway! I'm a follower!

  93. You know what they say...anything more than a handful is a waste :)

    Plus, you won't ever get black eyes from them hitting you in the face while running!

  94. If I won, I would choose the "nude" Handful. I think it would go great under workout shirts!

  95. What a fantastic giveaway!! I am already a follower!!

  96. Oh Goodness, I would really want the pink one :)

  97. I "liked" handful on FB and definitely wrote them a comment saying you sent me!

  98. Just a handful means you can wear a lot cuter clothes, have more pain-free runs, wear the cuter bathing suits....I could go on :)

  99. Oh! And with just a handful, it is easier to see and admire those awesome abs!

  100. Tweeted it! (I feel like "tweet" is a good word for this giveaway... sounds like you know what!)

  101. I'd get boring old white... because then I could wear my white t-shirts without worrying about when it's cold... if you know what I mean! :)

  102. An extra handful sure beats stuffing my bra... not that I ever did that, in high school... :)

  103. I like the pink handful bra. Love pink

  104. like handful on fb and left message

  105. More than a handful is a waste. Plus we dont have to worry about backaches, the bras digging in to our backs becasue we are top heavy.

    I probably shouldnt say this,but if hubbies happy, I'm happy.

  106. just added this to my giveaway sidebar!

  107. A handful is better than enough, because we don't have to wear 2 sports bras to keep the ta ta's under wraps!

  108. I'd love the pink too :) Not a girly girl but I like that shade...

  109. A handful is nice for me if it's nice for my hubby ;)

  110. i'm choose black! i usually go black with bras! :)

  111. posted on twitter! now i'm curious, do you have twitter? cause i need to be following you if you do :)

  112. You are just the cutest thing ever! I wish I could get away with such a bra. I'm afraid these babies would be spilling out of one....but maybe I should give it a whirl for the larger cup ladies of the running world. :)

  113. I love the pink one, I have it and it is my favorite. I want another one!

  114. I love only having a handful because they never bounce when I run, no back problems and more than a handful is just a waste!

  115. "Handful" = less boob sweat in this crazy heat!

  116. A handful is better bc we can get away with no bra in certain dresses or is that just me?

  117. I only have a handful and I feel like it totally helps with running because it's not weighing you down. You will also weigh less with little boobies :D

  118. I follow your blog but can't after seeing your stomach! I am totally jealous

  119. little boobs are great! No sagging and no nothing fits because my boobs are so big. I think the bad out weighs the good any day

  120. Hey I've been reading your blog for awhile now, but I just became an official follower. :)

  121. I like the pink one too! I could use a new sports bra!

  122. GREAT giveaway! I of course already follow!

  123. I'd probably get the cocoa color, love it!

  124. Hmm, it's great to have just handful because they're easier to run with, you can find more super cute clothes!

  125. God I just wished I had a handful!!! As a G cup I just don't think this bra would handle my girls!!


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