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Challenge Accepted!

PB in a salad? Challenge accepted! So many of you had genius ideas to meld two of my favorites--Peanut Butter and salad--into one dish. The asian/thai twist definitely seemed to be the most popular suggestion, so I decided to stick with that general idea but make it my way. (My way = easy, few ingredients, microwaveable)

So what did I end up with? I cooked some rice noodles and mixed them while hot with a spoonful of crunchy Peanut Butter, low sodium soy sauce, and a splash of sesame oil. I placed the noodles on a bed of organic baby greens and radicchio and topped with some edamame. Since I'm super classy and like to embellish my dishes (and since I bought this $6 jar of it and need to actually use it) I added some pickled ginger too.

I won't lie to you, I'm super proud of this. I'm pretty sure it's possible to now mix Peanut butter into absolutely anything. Next up? PB cocktails. You know you're curious. 

There was just one problem with the creation of this meal--I realized it was the third thing I ate today with Peanut Butter. Oh, and it's noon. 

Breakfast: oatmeal with peanut butter, protein powder, flax, and strawberries

Snack: Peanut Butter Builder's Bar

And then the Asian-PB noodle salad for lunch. Hi. My name is Vanessa and I'm addicted to Peanut Butter. Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. 

In other news, apparently crack got legalized. The rule is that it has to be packaged like this now:

Weird, right? Seriously, this stuff is crazy addictive. Both Britt and Ash told me about this stuff so I blame them entirely. You ladies have some pretty good taste. I can't stop eating it!

Ok guys--I'm ready for another challenge. What should I attempt to add Peanut Butter too? I promise I'll try anything!
(Also, please someone suggest adding it to ice-cream. I know it's been done, I'll just have an excuse to eat Pb and ice-cream then. Thanks)

What are your recent food addictions?
Aside from Pb and Cinnamon Chex, I would say oatmeal, peaches, and Nerds! The candy, not the computer guys. Although they're nice too I suppose. 


  1. My addiction has always been pb. I eat over 1/2 jar a day because my body needs a lot of calories. I think you should attempt peanut butter chili

  2. OMG that chex mix looks so good!!! I love PB too. That salad looks good!

  3. We have a local bar that serves a peanut butter and jelly martini- it's delicious!

  4. Peanut butter and chocolate are my two absolute favorite foods!

    My new crack is the random box of organic graham cracker cereal I picked up the other day. Can not stop eating it!

  5. Peanut Butter and Jelly milksahkes are the best!

  6. As usual, that salad looks amazing! :)

    Pb and ice cream sounds good. Do it and post a photo!!

  7. You are the cutest thing in the world, I love that tank. I NEED THAT SALAD RIGHT NOW!!! I am so addicted to fro-yo and pb right is getting out of control. I think I need intervention. I need to try the cinnamon chex!

  8. I am loving my protein shakes with peanut butter. Other than that....? Nothing new I am doing the sugar free challenge so I can't even bring myself to mention my favorite things. 9 more days to go! I might need to get me some cinnamon chex.

  9. Yum those cinnamin Chex look delicious and I must try them!

    Recent food addictions are fro-yo, grapes, and cottage cheese!!

    What about a peanut butter flavored bread or muffin?

  10. This post made me crack up.

    I'm addicted to apples and PB, not new to most people, but I've apparently been living under a rock - and not one made of PB.

  11. Asian/thai peanut butter noodles are the BEST. Good call!

  12. Food addictions.. strawberries on my salad!

  13. Yum! I eat pb with my ice cream *all the time!*

  14. If I would have come up with that salad I would have been proud too! I got out my cocktail book and looked to see if there were any drinks with PB in them but it appears not....does not mean it is not possible.......

  15. Lol that's so awesome.. and looks delicious!

  16. Frozen mango is my latest obsession. Cold, sweet, and delicious.

    Speaking of Nerds- my favourite blizzard from DQ when I was a kid was the Nerds blizzard. It was a sad day when they took i off the menu.

  17. PB Thai dressing is the easiest way I can think of using PB in a salad too.

  18. I have a good salad recipe like that. it calls for kale and other veggies with a cashew dressing. yum! anything with peanuts and peanut butter i am there.

  19. Glad you found something that worked with the PB! On another note, I'm very impressed that Chex has come out with a gluten free cereal! Maybe the world is moving in a better direction :)

  20. haha this is great! SO creative & I love that you had peanut butter 3x in a day before noon. CLEARLY a girl after my own heart ;-)

  21. I will be waiting for the next post to feature a PB cocktail. :)

  22. That looks awesome! I have made a salad dressing before with PB and it was off the hook! I actually tried PB on baked squash last week and it was delicious. It is so versatile!

    Recent food addictions would be baby carrots, frozen mango, and oranges! Summer makes me want produce!

  23. Nice, I had a feeling it would mix well with an Asian twist! You should make a peanut butter hummus!! haha i don't know if that one would turn out too great though..

  24. That looks so yummy! I made a pan seared Tuna steak Tuesday that was with a similar sauce (pb, soy, sesame oil, rice vinegar, peach hot sauce) it sounds funny but was great!

    Recent food addictions- with this heat, I have been whipping up green smoothies with lots of colorful fruit (peach, strawberry, blueberries...)

  25. Mission accomplished! Nice addition of the rice noodles...looks tasty! I will NOT buy those chex...well not until I get off my addiction of edemame rice crackers from TJ's...ahh! What did gluten-free week do to us?? ;)

  26. I've totally put peanut butter in a hard shake. Vanilla vodka + Bailey's + chocolate powder + peanut butter + ice cream of choice (chocolate, almond milk ice cream for me) = Chocolate peanut butter hard shake!

  27. Hey, thanks for leaving a comment! Your blog is so cute, and I'm going to add it to my blog list as soon as I finish this comment.

    My current food addictions are frozen blueberries mixed in greek yogurt, and the sweet, salty, crunchy, gooey goodness recipe I put on my blog. Check it out, you could try that with peanut butter!

    I just bought the honey nut chex last night and have been eating it like candy, but next time I'll try the cinnamon! I'm gluten intolerant and love that these are gluten free!

  28. I've been adding PB to my greek yogurt! So good.

    Latest addiction? Arnold Palmer's. So good on a hot summer day (half iced tea/half lemonade for those that don't know). :-)

  29. What a great idea! Your salad looks awesome!

    I like PB, but I guess I'm just not as addicted. I sometimes forget to use it in things. I know, blasphemy :)

  30. I hope you weren't kidding about the PB cocktails...

  31. Chex mix is like crack to me, puppy chow or the sweet and salty...I have to stay far away. As for adding in pb, you could have it with cottage cheese, egg whites. My latest addiction has been PB2 and grilled artichoke hearts with ketchup..

  32. I love peanut butter too!! Can't get enough of it. :) Your salads are always so yummy looking!! LOVE it. PB & Fruit? Ok nevermind, that's too easy because PB & apples is delicious...I will keep thinking...

  33. Ha aren't they great??? I always have them in the house. Mmmm, may just go have some now.

  34. I love peanut butter too! I love the pb challenge idea! You should add pb to a soup of some sort. :)

  35. I've heard of burgers with peanut butter on it, I haven't tried but have heard its good.

    I LOVE peanut butter.

    I'm hungry now, going to go have apples and peanut butter :)

  36. Somehow incorporate peanut butter in to pasta - challenge!

    Mom came home with a box of GF corn chex and um...... amazing. I feel like I'm 6 again.

  37. I love peanut butter too. I had it straight out the jar for a snack earlier today. Then I ate it in Reese's Pieces form this evening. :) I top my Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches with it!

  38. PB and ice cream is the best!!!!! LOVE IT. have you tried PB stir fry yet??? umm it is amazingly delicious! LOVE IT!

    That salad looks really good.

    I am always eating PB...lately I am obsessed with dark chocolate almond butter! so good!

    have a good night!

  39. Peanut butter CRACKERS!! :-)

  40. Ben & Jerry's Peanut Butter Cup Ice Cream is to die for. I literally eat the entire pint every time :)

  41. dang girl, you DO love PB!! haha. as for PB and ice cream, well I'm gonna have to second what Kat said and that going with the actual chunks of PB cups is your best bet!

    my food addictions run the gambit but i also go through phases. when it's hot it's ice cream (read pints of B&J's half baked) but i'm also a total smores pop tart joke, i need help. ;)

  42. you are a bold, bold girl. I wanna see you live up to this and create something insane.

    my offering: pb and egg. not in a baked good form (cause that would be too easy, right?)

  43. This might have to wait till you get into your kitchen in your new house... and the weather cools down a bit... but it is delicious!

    From the ww new complete cookbook(p.391)

    Senegalese peanut soup
    makes 4 servings

    -one 15-ounces can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
    -3 cups reduced sodium chicken broth
    -3 tbsp natural creamy peanut butter
    -1 tsp peanut oil(I don't use)
    -2 onions, chopped
    -1 piece peeled ginger root, minced
    -1 1/2 tsp curry powder (I use paste)
    -1/2 tsp ground cumin
    -one 14 1/2 ounce can diced tomatoes
    -1/4 tsp cayenne pepper or to taste
    chopped cilantro

    1. in a blender or food processor, combine the chickpeas, 1/2 cup of the chicken broth and the peanut butter; puree

    2. In a large non-stick saucepan, heat the oil. sauté the onions and ginger root 7-8 minutes. Stir in the curry powder and cumin; sauté 1 minute longer. Add all the other ingredients(except the cayenne pepper and the cilantro), simmer for 5 minutes. season with the cayenne pepper. Garnish with the cilantro

    215 cal
    11 g fat
    6 g fiber

  44. PB salad - Hmmmmmmm. I would try it.
    Been hot in Augusta also with high 90s.

  45. I can't wait to get my hands on some peaches! I wonder if peanut butter would work with peaches. Hmmm???

  46. Way to go with the salad! Hmmmm maybe add it to eggs? Maybe thats too easy. Love Chex but haven't tried those yet. They look good!

  47. yum i haven't had that cinnamon chex but now i need to buy it! i'm also a pb addict. maybe we should start a support group? and serve lots of pb treats at our meetings!! that would defeat the purpose, but it sounds fun! that salad looks really good, and i love pickled ginger! yum!

  48. Vanessa, I met a woman at my WW meeting this morning who mixes peanut butter with fat free mayo...?? for sandwiches... and I just came across a recipe in my files that mixes mashed chickpeas into PB to make it go further.


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