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Summer Salads and May Recap

Happy National Running Day! Is it just me or is that everyday for you? Today, in honor of the holiday, I've decided to....
Wait for it....

Have a rest day. While I'd like to celebrate, I think my body has deserved a day off and today looks like the day. Fine by me!

It seems like like lately, everyone is complaining about record heat. I'm with you---I get drenched in sweat when I step outside, and any runs after 7am are crazy talk. The one upside? Salads. Nothing tastes as refreshing for a summer lunch than a salad, and I'm going crazy with them right now. Everything I like to eat gets put on a bed of lettuce and it's instantly better.

Today's was a bed of organic baby greens and radicchio with a mix of brown and wild rice, strawberries, peaches, almonds, and flax seeds. I've been big on rice on my salads lately--kind of new to me and a year ago I would have been confused, but I promise it works and tastes great! With the forecast looking like this for the next 10 days, I have a feeling a LOT more salads will be in my future:

I've been slacking on my weekly workout recaps lately, but I'll be bringing them back soon. In their stead, my May running recap is as follows:

Total Running Miles: 122
Races: Scenic City Trail Half, Fairmount Memorial Day 5k
Injuries: None
Longest Run: 13.1 Miles

Anyone running today in honor of National Running Day?

What's your favorite food to eat in the summer?
Well, this salad was up there, but let's be honest---it's going to have to be something ice cold. Frozen yogurt or an ice cream come would have to my favorite summer eat!

Really random question now: Is there any way to incorporate PB in a salad?
I love PB. I love salad. Somehow I can't bring myself to mix the two. If anyone has a suggestion for a way to do so, you get one million blogger brownie points. I'm not really sure what those are, but they have to be good, right?!


  1. The only way I've mixed spinach leaves & pb was in a green smoothie. I don't know about on an actual salad...but then again - you are probably the queen of weird random salads!! I still haven't tried the pickles yet!

  2. I bet you could mix some peanut butter into you dressing. It would probably make it thicker...but it would taste like peanut butter!! I want to see how you end up mixing the two!!

  3. I did a salad post today too and we have the same dishes. ha!

  4. I'm running today...but I did yesterday and Monday...and I'm not sure if it's in "honor". :)

    I'm not so sure about PB in salad...I've had a major obsession with PB lately and I love me some salad...but idk bout that one....LOL

  5. love salads during summertime more than any other season! it must be something about hot climates :)

    have you searched for a thai peanut dressing?? that may work!

    heck, if all else fails, melt some PB in your microwave & drizzle on top :)

  6. You could try using PB & CO. The Heat is On peanut butter to make a spicy peanutty dressing? Other than that, you got me..

    I'm thinking today will be a rest day too. What I want to do is go to the gym again, but I paid $9.50 for a drop in last night! RIDICULOUS!!

  7. No running for me cuz I've got a sick little one. :(. I guess I did run some doing my plyo/mill workout but not the 8 miles I wanted to.
    Ok here's my PB salad idea. You take apple chunks and PB them up and toss them over a salad.
    I'll do anything for brownie points! :D

  8. National runner's day for me is kicked off with day 1 of Chicago Marathon training! I can't believe its already starting!

    Try making a peanut butter asain dressing! I'm thinking PB/greek yogurt/rice wine vinegar? Not quite sure but i'm sure but peanut dressing is BOMB! :)

  9. salads in the summer are the best. went for a little 3 mile jog this morning to celebrate :)

  10. I am all over salads too, especially in this heat! Nice and light and COLD! I often use quinoa in a salad so nothing wrong with rice in my books. :)

  11. Well I am actually running tomorrow because today is my rest day. But you are right, it seems like every day is running day!

    Fav is frozen yogurt! I cannot get enough.

    I wish I could figure out a tasty way to add pb. hmmm I will have to think about this one.

  12. Thai chicken salad.. Pb in the dressing! And it has rice noodles...
    Perfect for you!!!

  13. That salad looks divine. I love any salad with fruit in it...but I'm not a huge salad person...more like just give me the fruit and chicken and nuts - forget the lettuce...LOL
    And I was supposed to go running this morning but didn' I'm not sure I'll have time tonight but it feels weird not running on national running day!!!

  14. I'm celebrating by resting today, too!

  15. Your salad looks YUM! Happy Run Day :)

  16. Happy national running day to you too!! I never crave salads, but they do taste great once I start eating them!

  17. I love anything grilled in the summer time. As for adding pb into your mix, I mix up chopped chicken breast, soy sauce, peanut butter, and garlic and through it on a bed of lettuce with mushrooms...kind of like an Asian mix.

  18. I ran today, but it was very hot, so I only ran around 10 minutes and then went and swam most of the time. AS far as BP in a salad, I might try putting grated peanuts in the salad and then whatever jelly you use, say it is grape, you could crush up some grapes or slice them somehow and put them in it. Then it is kind of like a PB&J sandwhich/salad. haha

  19. I have never tried PB on salad, however I have used PB to make a Thai peanut sauce, which was successful... that might be good?!

    I've never tried this one, but here is a PB salad dressing from Southern Living.

    Good luck experimenting with PB and salad :)

  20. You can make a great peanut dressing with some soy, rice wine vinegar, sesame oil & ginger. Delish!

  21. I love strawberries in salads too. When I was growing up we grew our own strawberries. I miss that!

  22. Man looks like we have the weather, it's just miserable here in Charlotte. I usually like the summer time but not when it jumps to 90's so fast! My sister and I are running a race this Saturday at 7:30am and I hope that it's not super hot...maybe early 70's will be okay.

  23. I have tried a salad dressing that had a nutty taste but I can't remember the name of it! I think it might have been some kind of Thai peanut dressing.
    Last summer I craved snowballs! I don't think I had one this summer yet.
    I skipped running today, in fact I haven't run since Sunday due to the heat. I either have to wake up extra early or go running right about now.

  24. and a happy running day to you too! but i luv your comment about everyday being our day. :) jk...but you're also smart and not running when you know your body needs a break!

    my favorite summer foods have to be ice cream and then any kind of fruit. :)

    sorry, i'm not a fan of PB, but good luck on your salad quest! :)

  25. Lovely weather you're having! That salad looks good enough for me to almost lick my computer screen.

  26. Wow, it looks horribly hot there! I also have been sweating the buns off, and it makes it hard to feel like I have the energy for a run....been thinking about hitting up the gym and treadmilling it simply for the a/c....My favorite summer food is anything grilled. Or ice cream. Or chilled watermelon...

  27. your salads always look SO delicious!! and fresh! love that!

    I ran Alicia's Virtual 5k race for Autism was fun and my first ever virtual race...I really enjoyed it :)

  28. Not sure about the PB in salad but the fruit looks delightful!

  29. I had an ironic rest day today cross training or weights or anything!
    The salad looks delicious & I had never thought about putting rice on a salad before - I'm totally going to start doing that!

    I think everyone who mentioned PB in a salad dressing hit the nail on the head. I have no idea how to do it well, but let the experimenting being!

  30. I usually have the tread at .5 - 1.5 incline. For the 5k trial tonight I had no incline. I hope the tread is accurate with distance/speed. I need to research that :)

  31. So jealous of the heat wave you have going in Georgia.

    I like to put PB in my salad dressings sometimes.

    I will be making this and featuring it on my recipe blog soon... but it gives you an idea.

    You can leave out the pasta of course.

  32. oops... here is the recipe.

    Sesame Noodles

    Core + about .5 Points, if you use 6 Servings
    Adapted from Diabetic Meals in 30 Minutes - Or Less!
    6 Servings/Serving Size: 1 cup

    1 tbsp. peanut butter
    2 tbsp. light soy sauce
    1 tsp. sesame oil
    3 garlic cloves, minced
    1 tsp. grated ginger
    2 cups cooked thin whole wheat spaghetti noodles
    1/2 cup thinly sliced red pepper
    1/2 cup thinly sliced carrots
    1/4 cup minced scallions
    1/4 cup bean sprouts
    Red pepper flakes, to taste

    In a small saucepain, combine the peanut butter, soy sauce, sesame oil, garlic and ginger. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat, and simmer for 3 minutes.

    Combine the remaining ingredients and pour the hot peanut sesame dressing over the pasta vegetable mixture. Serve immediately, or chill and serve cold.

  33. I can't eat salads with fruit on them... I am starting to think something is way wrong with me. Glad you gave yourself a day to rest... you is a runnin' foo.

  34. I'm sure there are a lot of Thai peanut sauces that would work wonderfully on a hot or cold salad!

  35. I NEED THAT SALAD RIGHT THIS SECOND, that looks like heaven. YAY for rest days, way to listen to your body. PB on a are the smartest person I have ever met (yes, I consider us to be real life best friends).

  36. Salad with asian-style Pb sauce!

    Oh my goodness, I took a rest day for National Running Day, too! I'm glad I'm not the only one. haha.

    That weather looks crazy. I mean, great for a swim... even an ocean swim! But... not so hot for the running.

  37. Yuuuum, that salad looks amazing!! Definitely one of my favorite summer (or any season) foods!

  38. I want that SALAD! looks sooo yummy :) I ran for running day yesterday, early morning before the heat and it felt great. Today is a rest day, especially will 100+ degree temps today...YUCK!!!

  39. Haha, I took a rest day on National Running day too :)

  40. That salad look deeeeelicious! Rice is literally my favorite food, it needs to make its way onto my salads ASAP!

    Those temps look killer. It's the same story here in Maryland, I feel your pain.

    I haven't been able to comment on your posts in forever, I'm glad my Google account finally let me :)

  41. That salad looks amazing!!!

    My favorite summer treat is fruit... especially watermelon!!

  42. Barbecue Tofu Salad with Soy-Peanut Dressing at

    It's a pretty awesome blog.

  43. That salad looks so yummy! :)


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