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7 Lovely Blog Posts

The very sweet and well-traveled Kyria over at the Travel Spot recently nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award. I'm flattered, but I don't think I can muster up another round of interesting facts about my less than interesting life. So instead of playing by the rules, I'm going to share seven interesting blog posts I have read lately. If you haven't seen any of them, check them out!

You got me. This is a pointless picture but I refuse to have a picture-less post!

1. The Help Post: This is written by Sierra at Posh Meets Pavement, and is a really interesting look about having "help" in the home. Sierra lives in South Africa and manages to gives readers a glimpse about what life is like for her there.

2.  Chattanooga Mountains Stage Race Recap: This post is written by a local runner in my area. While he is crazy fast and would be out of sight in mere seconds, I have run with his dad a few times! Cody just completed a local 60 mile race that takes place over three days (roughly 20 miles each day) and ended up 18th overall. Yeah, not too shabby.

3. Death Wish: You know every blogger with a pet or a small child has to do at least one post written from their point of view? Well, Kara did one too. But somehow it was more hilarious, less predictable and made me actually laugh out loud. (I refuse to say LOL).

4. It's Been a Great Year...UVM 2012 Recap: Julia from Pain, Pride and Perseverance recapped her fifth marathon (coming in with negative splits!) and talks about how much she has changed and grown since the same race last year. If you're training for a big race and need some inspiration, this is it!

5. Wear Your F***ing Helmet: Rose's post is part workout advice and part public service announcement. Plus, there are dirty jokes and even nudity. YES I SAID NUDITY.

6. Favorite Things Giveaway #1: Christina from The Athletarian is giving away Handful bras, protein powders, cute tank tops and weight lifting gloves. Check it out!

7. June's New To You Cross Training: Lisa always has pretty amazing workouts and runs, but this post was a really neat introduction to using kettle bells - something I am not familiar with but would love to try.

I guess I'm also supposed to tag people, but....I kind of already have, haven't I? Anyway, if you want to have this award, it's yours. You are welcome. And you totally deserved it.

Anyone have any blogs to share? Any interesting, funny or inspirational posts you have read (or written) lately? Link them up in the comments and share the love!


  1. You know, when I say "lol" I rarely mean it so I understand why you would avoid it. But my emoticons are true, no worries there. :)

    I think everyone should be reading Texts from a Dog. That's one of the few blogs that makes me laugh out loud.

  2. Kara has the funniest blog ever! How did I miss that post?

  3. Thanks for linking up my giveaway! I'll have to check out everyone's posts :) I read Julia's already and it's awesome. She is such an amazing person!

  4. woo I made the elicit cut! I enjoyed Julia's post and I agree with Kara, texts from a dog is HILARIOUS!!

  5. Thanks for sharing some new reading material!! I love the marathon recaps from Julia's blog - new to me!

  6. Oooh! I'm off to check some of these out.

  7. Thank you for pointing out my nudity. hahahahha.

    Also, Kettlebells are awesome.

  8. I ran with Julia from Pain, Pride, and Perseverance a few weeks ago. I can attest that the happiness and kindness you see on her blog is the real deal!

  9. Thanks for the shout out...I majorly stressed over writing that post, but I get so many questions, I figured I would put it all out there. I know you can relate...

  10. Great recommendations! I love reading fun blog posts.

  11. what a great idea!! thanks for the links, I actually had not heard of a couple of those ladies!

  12. Sweet! I am going to go and check them out! I love referrals to posts!

  13. I read several of these and they are good ones!

  14. well i DEF say u're lovely!! i remember some and missed a few so now i am off to make up on that! ;)

  15. I still remember the day I had to force myself to read "Peanut's" blog post and it was torture.


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