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Back to Back Long Runs and Tasty Eats!

When I was in Florida over the weekend, I had every intention of doing a long run. In fact, I loudly proclaimed at dinner on Friday night that I was going to run 18 miles the next morning. I was awake, dressed and out of the house by 7, and at that point the sun was barely up.  Unfortunately, the heat and the humidity were awake. We're talking 80+ degrees and 99% humidity at 6:30 in the morning. Tim and I started running and immediately were SOAKED. One of the worst runs ever. I physically completed 7 miles, but so much walking happened that I'm loath to even call it running.

To make up for it, I figured some extra miles this week would cut it. Monday I ran 5 miles outside at 8 pm, and even at 90 degrees it felt amazing compared to Florida's humidity. Tuesday I ran 12 miles at an easy pace, and followed it up with 10 miles on Wednesday.

Was that stupid? Maybe. But I figure that running on really tired legs is good ultra training and good Hood to Coast training, so there you go.

I've had plenty of tasty food to get me through those extra miles, thankfully.  Before we left Florida my dad pulled some fresh crabs right out of the water and my brother boiled them up for us to take home. Paired with some corn on the cob, it was the perfect summer meal. We, uh....we ate a lot of crabs.

Plate #1

The remains!
I also tried feta cheese this weekend, which is something that I have always "hated". As far as I can tell, I probably had it once years ago, didn't like it and avoided it every since. Since we got back, I have put feta on EVERYTHING. I keep looking up recipes online to find new combinations. Feta on pizza? Check. Feta in omelets? Check.  Feta in salad? Check. Feta on watermelon? CHECK!

This is such an amazing combination of sweet and salty. I added some mint as well for a little freshness, but I honestly thought it was fine without. A squeeze of lime or lemon juice ties it all together nicely too, if you're so inclined.

The forecast here is still in the 100s everyday, so you would think I'd be sticking to my treadmill, right? I'm going a little crazy and have a 7pm run planned tonight with the running group (luckily it ends with frozen yogurt) and a 10k race lined up for Sunday morning. Hopefully I'll live through both.

Are you a fan of feta cheese? Favorite way to use it?
Now, I can't get enough of the stuff. Any neat ways to use it would be appreciated, although straight from the container works pretty well too!

Anyone racing this weekend? Are you avoiding running in the heat?
I have a feeling I'll be hitting the treadmill when it hits over 100 - I can't handle it and I just end up feeling really drained, even with plenty of hydration. Looking forward to running in Germany next week - the high where we're going is 65 degrees and the low is 55. Are you kidding me? Running weather just doesn't get any better than that.


  1. What a crazy hot run! I don't think I'd be able to get through it!

  2. I agree with the heat. I have to write and confess to my coach. I haven't done anything since (whispering) Monday. shhhh.

    I LOVE Feta cheese. . . I have repeatedly tried goat cheese and yuck. I can't get the hang of it!

  3. 12 miles and then 10 the next day sounds pretty normal to me.

    I like adding feta and tomatoes to shrimp scampi.

  4. Never tried feta on watermelon but I love them both so I think it's worth a try. The heat has been tough here (Houston) but I keep telling myself that it's making me stronger for running season. Nice crabs!

  5. I looooove feta! It's so good in just about everything :) I'm going to Florida the first week in Aug and your post is making me dread my runs while there!

  6. I put feta on everything too, all kinds of salads, eggs, some chicken...yeah, everything!

  7. Feta is glorious. I like it with dill, onion, and tomato.

    I don't think 12 and 10 will kill you. I'd be dead long ago if it did. Hope you survive the heat. It has been really nice here this week. I was going to take a rest day today, but then realized this weekend is supposed to be spectacularly hot, so I might push resting to a different day.

  8. I used to hate feta but now I love it. My favourite way is pretty boring - greek salad. But I love greek salad and find the flavour combinations to be perfect.

    It has been a little cooler around this parts this week but we're about to heat up again so I'll be back to trying to get up early and run before the sun gets too hot.

    Have fun in Germany! I'm a little jealous of the cool running weather!

  9. I claim to love the heat, but now that it's summer and I need to run my little ass off, I may amend that.

    I have no races for the next month or so. Whoa.

  10. I feel like an ass but i registered for my first marathon in September which means I'm spending all summer in this glorious Colorado heat/fire season/smoke everywhere training...yeah. Great plan! Most of my runs have been on a treadmill as a result and I am not liking it!

  11. Oooh that sure is a new take on watermelon!! I'll have to try it!

  12. I LOVE feta cheese!! My favourite is in a greek salad with black olives, cucumber, tomato, and some olive oil. Yum I never thought to put it on watermelon though. That sounds like a great combination!

  13. Try this: spinach, cooked down and drained; tofu, crumbled; salt and pepper, parmesan, and plenty of feta. Put it in a pie crust and bake. Heavenly.
    Also good in a strawberry and arugula salad.

  14. I may have missed this but I didn't realize you got into Hood to Coast! That's so awesome! When do you come into Portland? If you want, we can meet up sometime before or after the race if you have time.

  15. Feta makes everything better! We put it on everything. We stuff it inside chicken, put on steak, burgers, on pizza, in lasagna, OMG...everything! We got thru so much of it! I absolutely love it! Kudos to you for running in the heat! I cant deal with humidity whatsoever so running in it doesnt happen! Good luck with your race Sunday!!!

  16. LOVE feta, but only since I had babies. It is so yummy! It was humid here on Monday and I had my first thigh chub rub chaffing experience. I am scarred for life. That is awful! We are never humid.

  17. MAN do I need a treadmill! I LOVE watermelon and I've heard of putting salt on it but never pairing it with cheese. I will have to try it.

  18. i put feta (or goat cheese) in almost everything-you’ve put it in some of my favorites. i have an awesome shrimp and feta dish-if you like shrimp. going to attempt to run tomorrow and saturday…good luck this weekend!!

  19. Feta on watermelon? Are you pregnant? Just kidding!
    I can do a little feta. Not a whole lot. I like my cheese creamy and smooth.

    I am jealous of your crabs. Looks so good!!

    It has been hot here. 106 today. I don't run/walk outside when it is more than 80 degrees. Treadmills and I are buddies!

  20. kudos to you for doing back to back long runs! I don't think my legs could handle it. I have to admit, I don't like feta. I always try to give it a go again, but I still hate it no matter what.

  21. LOVE feta -my FAV is pita bread with hummus and sprinkled (or drowned in) feta - YUMMY!

    Running and I are still not that good of friends so I'm not running in the heat, but I'm worried for all of my friends who are marathon training in this record breaking heat!!! I hope everyone is safe and plays it smart.

  22. I like feta cheese too ... it is the salty thing I think.

  23. Crabs, corn, and feta are all amazing choices. The watermelon feta combo sounds awesome, I love sweet/salty foods. You are going to Rock your 50k!

  24. That humidity is what would kill me! It makes you feel like you're drowning. I was supposed to race this weekend but the triathlon got cancelled due to low entry numbers :-(

  25. I may need to rethink feta too. I tried it once a long time ago and thought it was bad but perhaps I didn't really give it a chance.

  26. Love feta cheese, especially on pizza!
    I might run this weekend ~ a Canada Day 10k on Sunday ~ haven't decided yet. Thank goodness I don't live where it's as hot as you described in Florida. Yuck! I don't think I'd even be a runner if I had to deal with that kind of heat and humidity.

    My Running Shortz

  27. I tried feta for the first time when I was 23! I then ate it nearly everyday for a year. I like it now, but not as much as I used to :)

  28. I haven't run since Tuesday, it's sad I know but it's so dang hot and I have been really busy and tired and just haven't had motivation to run. Hopefully tomorrow I will turn over a fresh leaf and get back into my workouts.
    I have never tried feta cheese but people rave about it all the time, maybe I should try it!

  29. Two thing that they can match perfect to make a horrible training. Humidity and hot temperatures. You need a huge willpower


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