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Oakley Sunglasses Giveaway!

Saturday was my last "long" run until the Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon on November 10th. I treated it like a dress rehearsal - starting at roughly the same time as the marathon will, choosing a similar terrain (paved and hilly), running at goal marathon pace for the duration and even wearing what I planned to wear for race day.

I'm typically pretty boring when it comes to running gear. Until a few months ago, I pretty much just wore anything - obviously cotton is not my friend in the summer or for long runs, but that's pretty much it. Lately, however, I've been picking up more and more items that seem to make running just that little bit more enjoyable. The most recent find is these Oakley Radar Edge sunglasses, which were sent to me by Sunglasses Shop. Currently, my non-running sunglasses are from Old Navy and cost $3.71 exactly, and I love them. So I had no idea which sunglasses to choose from from Sunglasses Shop. In the end, I just ended up getting the exact pair that the woman (Jess) who contacted me wears. She's a runner, so I figured it would be a smart call.

In summary, it was definitely a good call. I'm not going to lie to you, though. When I put them on, I felt the tiniest bit like a giant tool. This is probably because I paired them with a visor. Now, there's nothing wrong with that combo (says the girl who plans to rock in this weekend for a marathon), but I felt a little bit like, "Oh, yeah, I run Ironman triathlons in my sleep." Like people would look at me wearing my gear and think to themselves that I'm not good enough or fast enough to need those items.

Runs 4 minute miles as a warm-up.

Well, I don't. I don't need running sunglasses to run. I don't need dri-fit shirts that eliminate odors to run. I don't need a Garmin to run. But dang it, I like those things.  And now I am a convert to these Oakley sunglasses too. They fit my face really well, despite the fact that my chipmunk cheeks sometimes limit my sunglasses options. They don't move, even when I sprint or head a little faster downhill. They will also, as I have mentioned, make you look fast - even if you're not. The grips on the nose don't slide around, even when you're sweating, which is obviously great when it's hot out.

Alas, everything has drawbacks. This pair is fantastic, but whenever you stop running they fog up - at least if you're sweating. You can take them off for a second and they clear up, but it's pretty annoying. Of course, as soon as you start running again the cool air de-fogs them in an instant.

If you want a pair, it's pretty simple. Just head to Facebook and like Sunglasses Shop. Once you're there, leave a comment on their main page. You don't have to get creative or let them know I sent you, but you do need to say "Oakley Radar Edge". That's it. Then leave me a comment to let me know that you did so. If you want an extra entry, leave an additional comment let me know what you think about this particular pair of glasses - Sunglasses Shop would like the feedback.

If you tweet, Facebook or blog about the giveaway, you can go ahead and leave a comment for another entry. Because I'm nice like that. And, uh...I desperately want the publicity.

If you want to write me a poem in the comments, you will get nothing. But I will love you forever and maybe even write you a haiku as a reply. Maybe.

I'll go ahead and pick a winner on Saturday night, November 10th, at midnight EST and then announce the winner in an upcoming post. As per FTC regulations, I received these sunglasses gratis from Sunglasses Shop, but I was in no other way compensated for my review. As always, my reviews (both good and bad) come directly from me, not a press release or an emailed suggestion for "selling points" of a product.

In case you're wondering why the heck I'm still blogging (see last post)...I had this giveaway lined up and I didn't want to forget about it. I'll have this post and one more recapping Saturday's marathon at Chickamauga Battlefield, and then I'm planning to hang up my hat for a little while. A lot of people said that I would miss it if I quit entirely. I'm not convinced, but we'll see. The plan is to take a break for a few weeks, something that is perfectly timed. The next couple months will be busy, thanks to a birthday I need to celebrate (25!), a Thanksgiving away from home and a trip to see family in Asia. So...expect a marathon recap and then radio silence for a little bit.   :)


  1. I posted on the Sunglasses Shop Facebook page!

  2. I think those sunglasses look pretty cool. I'm surprised that they fog up, usually Oakleys' are pretty good. I'd still love to try a pair, I always wear sunglasses to run.

  3. Why I want sunglasses - a series of Haikus.

    I want those glasses
    because I want to be cool
    just like you. Oh yes.

    I like sunglasses
    but mine fog up when i run.
    because i am cheap.

    One hundred fifty
    dollars is a lot of cash
    to drop on glasses

    So please let me win.
    So that I can stop whining
    about my sunnies.

    I don't even know
    If I can win. So sorry
    So Canadian.

    1. Let use celebrate
      for kristen just completely
      won the internets

    2. Gourmet runner does
      not discriminate against
      canadians. Eh?

    3. Oh, just give Kristen the glasses. She won.

  4. I commented on the Sunglasses Shop page. :)

  5. I think that these glasses look pretty good. I have chipmunk cheeks too, so I appreciate glasses that have that curvature on the bottom of the lenses.

    Thanks for hosting this giveaway. Good luck in your race, and enjoy all the upcoming craziness!

  6. I posted on the Sunglasses Shop Facebook page!

  7. I commented on their FB page. I am happy the Gourmet runner still likes the Canadians!!! :)

  8. I posted on the Sunglasses Shop Facebook page!

  9. Love the look of these glasses! They look especially great on you and make you look super fast! Kick butt on your next race, enjoy your holidays and I will definitely miss your posts!!!

  10. Liked and commented on their page. Love these fab new glasses! I dropped my Oakley's and now they have a nice 1" scratch through the middle of the lens:(

  11. Liked and commented. I need a new pair to run in :)

  12. I love your workout outfits! I'm normally extremely finicky about what I'm wearing except when I run! My workout wardrobe is extremely drab with blacks, whites and grays.

  13. ooh- I love them! They are so cute on you! I mean they make you look super awesome and hardcord :).
    I commented on their FB page.


  15. I like them and left them the weird comment. hahahah

  16. Left comment and liked Sunglasses Shop. mommafox1943 at msn dot com

  17. I think these glasses would look good on someone of any age. mommafox1943 at msn dot com

  18. I don't want to like them on facebook so I guess I'm not actually entered in the contest, but I will say I totally agree with feeling like a tool when you wear fancy things to run in. I'm as slow as they come but I CANNOT run in cotton because I sweat too much, so I usually feel like a huge poser when I wear tech-y shirts or whatever else.

    That's a bummer that you're going to stop blogging for a while, but I'm sure you're doing it or all the right reasons! I'll be interested to read your marathon recap before you go.

  19. I will miss you on your break! Please let me know if you decide to stop blogging for good! I would love to stay in touch!

  20. And I like the white frames….black frames for sports glasses are so boring, love the white!

    And you are going to so ROCK this marathon - can't wait for the recap!!! I think taking a break is a great idea….there's no point to doing it if your heart's not into it. Plus, I'll still nag you :) Have fun with your travel!

  21. I commented on Sunglasses Shop FB page!

  22. can't wait to hear about your marathon, GOOD LUCK!!

  23. I liked and commented at Sunglasses Shop - from my page Eat Run Sail

  24. Your glasses are gorgeous. I have chipmunk cheeks and Oakleys fit me very well!

  25. I shared on my FB page Eat Run Sail

  26. Oakley Radar Edge
    it is what the label reads
    but we say Sun Glasses

  27. Well Kari sent me some sunglasses and I don't know what brand they are and they make me look like a welder but so far they haven't fogged up. I got home from work past 10pm (although I did go for a run with friends this afternoon) so I'm way too tired to like the foggy ones on Facebook. Now, if you quit blogging, you'll miss out on great comments like this from me. Your life will clearly be meaningless then.

  28. I have "running sunglasses" on my birthday wish list! These would be perfect! ;-)

  29. I tweeted about your giveaway! @allenszs

  30. I liked and posted on the Sunglasses Shop FB page. Thank you for the opportunity!

  31. Posted on Sunglasses Shop FB page. Hope Santa is watching...

  32. Surprised about the fog factor, too. But would love to see if that happens for me as well. (Maybe they won't fog up at slower pace ;-)) Wonder if Oakley ever makes womens' glasses in different sizes. These look a tad wider than ones I just scratched up. They look more bada&% than giant "tool" for sure. Nice color as well.

  33. And tweeted... (Shocking as it may sound, it is still sunny enough in the NW to wear shades, & I'm desperate for ones that aren't scratched to bits before I become a sidewalk casualty.) I begin missing GA at this time of year...

  34. Posted on Sunglasses Shop FB page!

  35. Seems like a cool looking pair of sunglasses with a good grip, certainly keen to try it during a game of tennis this summer!

  36. I commented on the Sunglasses Shop page. :)

  37. Shared this giveaway on my FB page too!

  38. I liked them on facebook and commented!

  39. I like the sunglasses because they do look extremely aerodynamic and that they will make you look super speedy...and what's wrong with that?! :-P

  40. I liked Sunglasses Shop on FB and left a comment!

  41. I love these Oakleys! I saw a pair of them the other day at a local sporting goods store. I especially like the white frames!!!

  42. I liked Sunglasses Shop on FB and I posted a comment.

  43. These Oakleys are awesome!! I love the color, the style and the coverage. Perfect for running!

  44. Oakley Radar Edge 4 the win!! P.S. I commented

  45. Find myself avoiding reading your posts because I know there aren't many left.

  46. I posted on their facebook wall and like their page.

  47. The coverage looks perfect for running which is never something that mattered to me until I started running with sunglasses!

  48. Just wanted to clarify that I'm avoiding reading your posts because I want to put off reading the last one as long as possible. I'm a terrible writer.

  49. not entering-but having to comment because i forgot to comment on the last one. don’t go away forever. i will miss you :) hope to catch up in rome soon. can’t remember your plans. i’m supposed to be in rom on the 13th and 27th.

  50. I am totally entering PICK ME....I'm sunglass deprived. commented on their fb page, apparently I already liked them

    so not sharing.

  51. I posted on the Sunglasses Shop Facebook page!



  52. I posted on the Sunglasses Shop Page!

    I'm super into the Oakley Radar Edge! They look great and I'm totally in need of a new pair of running sunglasses!

  53. i shared on FB

    Ted Kooper

  54. Hey Vanessa, I think the sunglasses look really cool, and that's just as important as being fast IMO. I'm going to post on the Sunglasses Shop FB page right away.

  55. I own authentic Oakley sunglasses. I love wearing these sunglasses because they were gifted by my lover. I use it whenever I drive my Mercedes.

  56. Posted on Sunglasses Shop facebook page:
    tianayubi at gmail dot com

  57. I love the color and it looks so fit.
    tianayubi at gmail dot com

  58. Tweet:
    tianayubi at gmail dot com

  59. Congratulations to the winner. I have to admit that they look quite good.

  60. Oakley Radar Edge sunglasses series are so cool and awesome best accessories for sports activity.


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