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When Should I Quit Blogging?

When I first started blogging (about 18 months ago) I figured it would be a fun way to pass the time and learn a little more about running. I had just moved to America, I wasn't working and, truth be told, I was bored. I can't express just how grateful I was to find this incredible community and meet (virtually and in person) some fantastic people.

So when does it end? I'm sure you've noticed that I have been blogging a lot less lately. And if you haven't, PAY MORE ATTENTION TO MEEEEEE! In all seriousness, it just hasn't been something I have the desire to do lately. I still read most of my favorite bloggers, comment on far less that I'm happy about, and write periodically. So why is the passion gone?

It's not because nothing is going on in my life. I had an excellent 20 mile run a couple of weeks ago, just ran a 50k race and am ready for a serious PR at Chicakamauga Battlefield Marathon in less than 2 weeks.

Conversely, it's not because I'm TOO busy. Sure, I have busy days, but I don't have kids and I work from home. I sleep 8+ hours every night and watch way too much TV to pull the "I'm busy excuse".

So, then, what it is?

I write. A lot. Pages and pages and pages every single day. Although I love writing and feel lucky to have the opportunity to do this for a living, blogging is basically the last thing I want to do at the end of the day.

So I'm facing this dilemma - when do people QUIT blogging? If you've built up a blog over a period of time, what happens to it? I'm not entirely sure if I should keep blogging, and just write up a post or so a week if I feel so inclined, or if I should quite while I'm ahead.

For the record, I'm not writing this for a barrage of comments saying variations of "OMG! Love this blog, keep writing!" Genuinely, I'm not. In fact, if I see that kind of comment from you, I'll do two things: 1) Assume that you didn't read the whole damn post, and 2) Ignore it. This isn't that kind of post. If you really want to give me compliments, let me direct you to my recent posts about a 50k run and a 5k PR. Compliments welcome there. Let's keep it to actual conversation here.

So, I guess if you want the synopsis of this post, here we go: is it better for a blog to fizzle out slowly or just quit out of the blue? What are some reasons that you might consider quitting your blog? Having children, accepting a high-profile career, getting too busy to actively participate in the blog community?


  1. I'm a regular reader although I don't often comment. I think that as soon as something becomes a burden rather than enjoyable it is time to quit. This obviously applies to things that aren't necessary, not like work. When the fun goes out of it, what's left in it for you? I have decided today to stop teaching spin, I've been teaching for a year and a half and the past few months have been torture. When something you look forward to becomes something you loathe it's time to get out

  2. Oooooh how I feel you. I was in love with my blog for about a year (and had other non-running blog before that one), but I just lost interest. I decided I had better than to do with my time. Kept expecting the passion to come back, but when 3 races went by without any race recap even, decided I'm done. Just turned it private last week cause I don't just want all that sitting public, but don't want to delete either. Long personally ramble that doesn't help you, but to say totally gets what you're saying :)

  3. Yeah. I used to love blogging, but now I'm too busy mentally and emotionally just living life to enjoy rehashing it over on a blog. So I write every now and then, but I have a feeling it's just gonna fizzle out.

  4. I've contemplated this too, but then, I think, as soon as I give it up, I'm going to miss it, so I'll just BS my way through it for a while. Fake it til you make works in running, right? It's worked so far when I have my moments of hating blogging.

  5. When blogging becomes a burden, it's time to quit.

    I loved blogging- a year ago! Before I had Phillip.

    Now, I experience things that I think, "Hey, that would make a great post." But never get around to it.

    I was fiddling with the idea of quitting awhile ago and made it official a few days ago. Ironically, I just posted today!

    For me, when blogging became more of a chore than a way to connect to people with similar interests, I was done.

    I say keep blogging when you want. Don't feel obligated to us, your followers =)

    That was the hardest part for me. To not feel like I was letting the whole blog world down because I didn't post consistently (of course that's a bit sarcastic!)

  6. Hmm, good question, I've never really thought about it. I enjoy blogging, but I just do it when I have time or something to say, so I've never really thought about quitting entirely. Although I must admit that right now, on my third consecutive day of no exercise whatsoever for no reason, being accountable to a blog is annoying. To answer your question, I like bloggers being upfront so you know why they left and don't wonder if something horrible happened!

  7. I just treat my blog like my training journal. I also feel like quality is more important than quantity. I'd rather write one good blog post each week than six boring posts. I also don't try to make any money from it so that has kept blogging fun with totally no pressure. I like it that way.

  8. I would just post whenever you feel like it. No pressure!

    I sometimes post once a week, but then other weeks I'll put stuff up every other day. I just do what I feel like doing with it... because sometimes I'll get stressed out about not having stuff up but then I realize this is all supposed to be FOR FUN.

  9. Your blog should be for you. So if you decide right now to quit, then so be it. I have learned a lot from your blog and I really do enjoy every post- you have talent, lady!

    Here's hoping you stick around...


  10. SHEW, I'm not sure. I know that I go through phases of writing about every time I go to the loo and then nothing for a a while bar the odd sporadic rambling. I have noticed that as work has gotten busier I have blogged less (I work in social media & marketing) so the two are linked and because I do it for a living I'm less inclined to want to do it in my personal life; I want to "save" myself & efforts for work .... make sense? or just rambling? sorry ;-)
    I don't think my blog will fizzle (well I hope it doesn't anyway) but certainly I look like I am becoming a weekly blogger rather than a daily blogger so less readers but that doesn't bother me.

  11. I don't really have an answer for you because I don't have a blog, sorry. I'm not sure if you watched Seinfeld but the first thing I thought of when I read this post and how George decided to leave the room on a high note. Sorry, I know my comment is no help at all, just thought the Seinfeld reference might make you laugh.

  12. Your blog, your rules, your timeframe! As much as I don't want you to quit blogging, generally speaking I'd say it's better to go out while you're on top. When you start resenting the blog and stop enjoying it, it shows. I've seen it happen to some of my used-to-be-favorite blogs.

    If you do, though, you'd better not just drop off the face of the earth! You have to at least friend me on FB. LOL

  13. I have seen a lot of people quit blogging, but have never asked them too much why. When I slow down or think about quitting it's because life is too crazy/something is wrong. I say if you are not feeling it, you shouldn't have to do it! It should be exciting, not an obligation... right? :)

  14. i went through and read the comments that you have gotten thus far because I was thinking...holy freaking wow. Vanessa is so brave. this is EXACTLY how I have been feeling lately but I have been way too scared to admit it to myself. I work all day without access to outside internet but i am exhausted when I get home and feel pressure to immediately post/read posts/comment. I dont like the pressure. But I know I would miss the connections I have made and keeping up with the friends I have made if I wanted to when I had time. And I truly enjoy writing. I love it. But feel that I have written more posts than I ever imagined myself writing at this point and am running out of things to say? i dont know. but i do know that I think i know what you are saying and feeling? i wish i knew a good answer. im feeling overwhelmed/pressured by it right now...but also am too scared to let go?

  15. I've been blogging way less lately. I assume most people just taper off until they forget completely.

    Alternatively, you could go out in a flaming ball of awesome and rip every other blogger a new asshole on your way out. That would be hilarious.

  16. I struggle with this too. I probably would quit blogging but the main thing that stops me from doing that is the interaction that I have with fellow bloggers! I feel like I wouldn't be able to comment if I didn't have my own blog, ect. I like the people's whose blogs I read and I want to have a relationship with them so that's why I keep's a tough call!

  17. I'm probably leaning more toward knowing that a blogger I've enjoyed following has written a "final" post. That way I don't worry like some weird internet stalker that the person got abducted or really depressed or whatever. I like the idea of closure, of "saying goodbye." I can understand your feelings though. I've only really ever kept a blog for myself (and family/friends) and I usually only blog in spurts so I really can't fathom these people who "blog" all day, every day, several times a day.

    Ultimately, it's YOUR blog, so you get to decide what happens (or doesn't) to it.

  18. I think you quit when you don't enjoy it anymore or you don't feel like you have anything worthwhile to say. One of my pet peeves is writers that write "I don't have anything to talk about today so I'll talk about not having anything to talk about" posts. Do what makes you happy!

  19. Post when you feel like. I go through spells then disappear for days, sometimes weeks, sometimes months. For awhile, I got too wrapped op in comparisons and stopped for awhile, then I was looking for motivation and got into again, only natural!

  20. I've been reading your blog for about 6-9 months now, and have always enjoyed your posts. But I can really relate to THIS particular one, because it seems I too have lost the desire since my marathon goal became complete.
    I've lost followers, and even less people comment so I wonder if I've gone past my life expectency as a blogger...hmmm. Good luck, and I say do what you enjoy. Life is too short.

  21. I always want a blog post that I'd want to read, so for the most part I enjoy the process because I don't really try to cater to others. I'd stop doing it if it felt like a chore!

  22. I feel the same way sometimes. I love blogging and love everyone that I have virtually met but some days I don't have time to post or have nothing to write about. But I do love the motivation that I get from others and sharing stories. I do think if I ever choose to end my blog that I would do a "goodbye" post to send off my blog.
    P.S. I have noticed the lack in your blogging but I just figured you were having some down time. But I do love your blog and hearing about your life!

  23. LOL! I read the whole post and OMG I love your blog don't quit! jk!

    i would take it day by day. Keep it around and post when you FEEL like it. I always read.

  24. I was thinking about that not too long ago and wondered if I wanted to keep it going. I decided yes, at least for now. But I also made some changes and I don't feel a need to blog just so I post something. What I've come to love the most is the community of bloggers and the friendships I've gained (like you!) and the good thing is that those are established, even if you did stop blogging. The other thing that keeps me at it is having a personal record for myself….but I suppose I could keep a diary :) Follow your heart, if your heart's not into it, maybe it's time to take a break or let it go. Although I would miss you :)

  25. I don't know that I'd ever quit blogging since it's more of our online journal than anything. I don't post every day and I honestly don't understand how other people do. I'd rather read someone that blogs 2-3 times a week, once a week, or once a month than someone who comes up with a post just to fill space. With that said, I'd hate to see you stop blogging but we would just have to be email buddies if you quit blogging!

  26. I have been thinking about it myself lately... the novelty wears off; you can only enter and win so many giveaways; the posts you read and tend to write start sound repetitive. I am with you... but I won't quit till you do!

  27. I have never commented on your blog before but just wanted to let you know I always enjoy reading your posts. I get how you feel though. For most of the same reasons I have never started a blog but have been reading blogs for a few years. I just can't bring myself to get excited about sharing my life on the internet. I love reading about other people's, especially fellow runners, but have no desire to write about myself. The only thing I regret is that because of this I feel like I may have missed out on "meeting new friends". Whatever you decide, I wish you well, but selfishly hope you stick around! :)

  28. One year ago today (well, tomorrow, really) my family life changed forever making my ability to blog on a regular basis absolutely impossible.

    I blog when I can, comment what I can, and honestly will never "quit" my blog because even though my actions may illustrate otherwise, I absolutely love it.

    I've lost tons of followers, (didn't really have as many most bloggers have anyway) and while that completely bums me out mostly because it feels like I'm talking to a wall, my blog is still for me and an outlet to share and document things for others, but mostly myself.

    So, to acknowledge your question, obviously do what works best for you -- but selfishly speaking -- don't quit -- just blog when you can, comment when you can. The community you have built and become part of won't go anywhere. Too many people love you:)

  29. Things you do for leisure or fun should not drain energy; they should add it.

    Maybe a blogging hiatus for until the beginning of the year would be good compromise.

  30. Ive been struggling with the same thing. I just don't know how long I can keep blogging. I like it but sometimes its hard to just write and put everything together.

  31. I have gone months without blogging & then pick back up when the mood strikes. In my mind, my blog is my blog. A virtual journal for me. I just happen to share it. So, I'd say blog when you want to, dont when you dont want to. You shouldn't have to Quit, just because you are not posting regularly. Hope that helps a little.

  32. Whenever I feel like that I take a week off and then I'm back - I also had to make a schedule, for when I comment on blogs, when I blog and such. It helps me, I like writing every day during the week because a lot of my family reads my blog ;) lol

    I would LOVE to go back to the times where I could comment and read everyone's blog everyday, but I can't now so I just take it easy and comment when I can ;)

    I say take a week off COMPLETELY and you'll either never come back or realize that's all you needed.

    PS: you must still email me ;P

  33. I haven't blogged in a while and mostly because so much stuff has happened in my personal life (good and bad) that it has left me drained and not wanting to write. Every few weeks I feel like I want to pick it back up, like today I have been debating on doing a halloween costume post, but I just can't find the energy to want to actually do it.

    I think sometimes we just need time off, and pick it back up when you feel like it. I've lost a few followers over it, but oh well i'm not in blogging for numbers.

    I'll still come back and read if you decide to keep blogging :)

  34. "OMG! Love this blog, keep writing!"

    jk - I've been feeling the same thing with my blog. I post every once in a while now...which sometimes it's once every couple weeks. You should keep your blog but make it a "when you feel like it" blog. You'll miss it if you quit! But's up to you!

  35. #twinners I have been feeling the same way and I too am on the computer so I often don't feel like writing a post. I do love the community so I'm not sure if I want to give up the blog completely. For now I've decided to go to a once a month post schedule. I can write a little here and there as time passes and then publish it each month. I just decided this over the weekend so we'll see if I actually stick to it. ;) Good luck making the decision--it's not an easy one. Maybe just taking a break will help? Just be sure to post after you PR the crap out of the marathon, kthxbye. :D

  36. I hate when bloggers I read just stop blogging, so as a reader, I'd rather a post that says, hey, it's been great, maybe someday I'll start again, but until then, thanks for reading! So I know they are stopping. But don't feel obligated, I mean, it's your blog.

  37. that is good question...when to stop...for me I think it would be when it becomes a burden...and when I dont enjoy any part of it anymore..

  38. Every once in a while, I too have to re-evaluate why/what I'm blogging. There are stints that go by where I don't feel like it... not because I have nothing to say, but I don't have the time (or quiet) to form my thoughts cohesively (and I really dislike poor writing). Then there are weeks where I write like crazy. Bottom line: It's YOUR space. Write, don't write. Do whatever is genuine YOU.

  39. I know what you mean, Vanessa. I've been blogging a lot less and been less interested in doing so. So my thing is now that I just blog if I feel like it. I don't get hung up on how often I do it so I only do it when I want. Also, I have been reading blogs much less frequently but when I do read them, I read like 100 of them in one setting. Ha! Do whatever feels right to you!

  40. so i guess everyone's comments say the same, they've thought about why they blog as well. I haven't blogged in a little over 2 weeks. Mine is a combo of time / stress/ I haven't ran in 3 weeks so what do I talk about. I have 300+ blogs sitting in my blog reader waiting to be read--- i agree with the whole concept "when it becomes a burden, hold off"

    i think the only reason why I don't scrap my blog personally is because I think of how much i've gained and the people I met so i don't want to lose it yet. I know when i'm done with my 50 states I may be singing a diff tune.

    obviously a lot of other readers feel the same as you when it comes to their own blogs, so you're not alone ;)

  41. Not sure I'm adding anything startlingly new here, but I see the choice of starting a blog and ending it the same as any other beginning/end... Lots of factors weigh in to the decision -- Is it rewarding? Are there better options?

    As for slow fade vs. quitting... I sort of lean toward the clean break. There have been several blogs I follow that have had no updates since September. I keep wondering if it's a really long pause or the blog is gone completely.

  42. I'm totally going for the slow fizzle. That way if you change your mind or suddenly feel like being more active, it's all still right there. People can always email you if they want to hear from you and you haven't been posting.

  43. I am with XLMIC. Just post when you want and nobody will expect much out of you but will be happy when you do post. If you are worried about keeping contact with people, I am sure you have email addresses for the ones you may need to contact. Or you know where their blogs are!

  44. blog for you and if it's more of a chore (and it's not like your job! lol) then don't forcer urself to. of COURSE we will all miss stalking u, but at the same time i think the blog friendships that u've developed that are strong enough, it's never like we can't connect with u other ways! i went on a limb there and included myself, didn't i...well, u BETTER still FB with me dearie, and u have my email. :) and know that we all adore u and support u, regardless of whether we get to read about it on a daily basis. :)

  45. Because my job is letting four kids scream in my face all day (i.e. a mom), I use blogging as mental stimulation. Sad but true -- if I can write a complete sentence, I feel pretty proud of myself on any given day. So I would evaluate whether or not the blog is constructive in your life. If the benefits are there, then keep it up. If you stopped getting benefits from it, cut it.

  46. I've tried quitting out of the blue and it never works. Even when I stopped for five months, I eventually came back. What I'm trying to say is, don't even're pretty much a lifer. :) Just blog when you feel like it and don't force it. Yes, you'll lose some readers by not being as consistant but at least you won't cry wolf like I have so many times. Good job on all your running. I have to say though, after seeing how fast you are I feel even worse about my half on Saturday. I guess I'll use you for motivation. xo, Jess

  47. Hahahaha "Pay attention to meeeeee!" I agree with you! Being busy and having a blog is hard. Blogging is pretty much all of "me" time, and preparing for a kid has got me thinking the same thing- how much is enough? When is enough enough? Will my millions of fans be sad if I stop? Okay, fine. Not the last part. But still. Thanks for putting the real out there!!! And for the record, I'd like to know if you decide to stop blogging, not just fizzle!


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