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Showing posts with the label Bumble Bars

Bar Review

These are a few things that this post is NOT: --a review of local drinking establishments --a guide to helping you study for the Bar Exam Still with me? Sweet. I wanted to do a post on the many many  protein/energy bars I've eaten lately. Since hubs and I spend a lot of time working on our house, we need to bring food with us. Since we have no way to prepare food when we're there, we often turn to these quick and easy--although often expensive-- portable snacks. When I tried a Gluten-Free diet for a week, I branched out and tried even more. Here's my take on the good, the bad, and the chewy: -- Clif Builder's Bars : These guys were my favorite for months. Higher in calories (270) they're great for a mini meal, and packed with 20 grams of protein. The downside? 20 + grams of sugar depending on the flavor. Not so great.  -- Clif Energy Bars : (a.k.a.-- Builder Bar's cheaper, smaller, little brother) --I've only tried chocolate brownie because it...