If you're friends with me on Facebook, you already know that Monday was NOT my day. I won't bore you with my drama (I'm sure you have plenty of your own) but suffice it to say nothing green was eaten, little work was done and the only exercise was walking to get more carbs covered in sugar. I felt bad, I was depressed, and life was a big fat blah. I think this picture sums it up nicely: And in case you were wondering, those PJs are, in fact, covered in pictures of snowmen. And yes, I wore them for almost the last 48 hours. After the day from H-E-Double Hockey Sticks I was blessed with today, which was one of the best days I can remember in a long time. Hubby went WAY out of his way to cheer me up today, and I appreciate it so much. Christmas lights were hung all around the house, stocking decorated and hung, Christmas CDs came out of storage, and even pine cones were decorated with glitter glue (poor man's decorations-the pine cones were picked up outside): In ...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet