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Showing posts with the label last long run before marathon

A Run 12 Hours In the Making

Today was the day for my last "long" run before the big day - 10 miles at marathon pace. I was looking forward to it all week, wanting to test out my planned outfit and get excited. But this morning? Nope. No desire to run. None at all. I stayed in bed later than I have in a year (9:30-ish) and then finally ate breakfast. I changed into my running clothes, even tossing on the calf sleeves and head band. And then I went to sleep. No, seriously. I got completely dressed for my long run, and then crashed on the sofa. When I woke up a couple of hours later, I was STILL not ready to go for a run. I rarely have completely lazy days like this, but it was amazing. I goofed off online, napped off and on, and then finally decided to do something semi productive by getting some grocery shopping done.  BUT - I refused to change out of my running clothes. I knew if I did, that would be it, and I wouldn't get around to it at all.  Finally, tonight around 5 I decided it just h...