Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! This week was certainly not my typical exercise week. I was already planning on having a cutback week with mileage, so I guess it's as good a time as any for me to realize it was time to replace my shoes. I haven't had a run since Thursday which is very WEIRD for me. Overall, I didn't meet my goals for the week. ( listed here ) but I'm ok with it. Some untraditional strength training took place, and lots of Easter relaxing. Monday: 1 hour-ish of shoveling mud (crazy workout for my arms and back, wow!) --Run 3.5 miles, walk 1 Tuesday: Walk 3 miles --40 minutes of yoga Wednesday: Ran 10 miles (9:30 pace) Thursday: Jellybean Race! 6.5 mile run Friday: Ran 1 mile --30 minutes on elliptical --1 hour upper-body strength training w/ 100 push-up challenge --abs: various Saturday: NOTHING! Hike was planned, but it didn't work out so that was that. Sunday: 1 hour on the elliptical ...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet