I hate to brag, but I was kind of a pro when it came to playing Oregon Trail back in the day. I forded rivers with the best of them, was pretty amazing at the mini-hunting game and went at a nice and easy pace so no one in my wagon died along the way. In my mind dysentery is something associated with pioneers who go at a grueling pace and forget to caulk their boats when fording rivers. So I was in for a little surprise today when I found out that I, uh...kind of have dysentery. Source No, really. I think I have mentioned on this blog roughly 94 gazillion times that I have stomach drama. I tend to get a little crazy on Web MD and self diagnose myself, but eventually I let someone with an actual MD do the diagnosing. A couple of weeks ago I found out that I had occult fecal blood as well as low iron - the blood I was losing was causing the low iron. Well, gee. That's fun, right? I had no idea what was causing all of it until today, when I learned that parasites had invaded ...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet