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Showing posts with the label building your own house

House Update!

I'm moving my long run to tomorrow since I'm working today, so in the meantime I thought I would update you all with my house progress! If you didn't know, hubs and I moved from Hong Kong six months ago to build our dream house in Georgia. We came with the goal of building a modern and energy efficient home on our land. Well, a little bit of time later (and a lot of extra cash later) than we expected, but it's nearly done! I love this house! What makes it so special for me is that hubs designed the entire thing himself, from the layout to the materials to the roof heights. Truly one of a kind! The house itself is completely finished, painting, and air-conditioned (woo-hoo) but there's that small issue of furniture. Although at this point, I'm pretty ok with sleeping on the floor! The kitchen is completely from Ikea--cabinets, appliances, the whole kit and caboodle. Here's the most recent picture, but more has been done since then: The countertops have...

My House, My Rules, My Blackberries

I've been asked by a few readers what's going on with my house---I mention it occasionally, but I leave all the details to my hubby over on his blog . So here's the deal: Hubs and I have ZERO experience doing something like this, but it's a dream to have our own home, exactly the way we want it, on our land in NW Georgia. We moved here from a tiny studio apartment (350 square feet!) in a highrise in Hong Kong, so this is a crazy difference. Here'e what has happened so far: -pre-fab panels went up -roof put on -siding around the house put on -electric -plumbing -drywall ...and here we are. With me getting in trouble for playing on the "important builder man stuff." Lame. It's not like I'm ridiculously clumsy and fall over all the time or anything. Oh, wait. Right.  Moving on.... There is no room in our house I'm more excited about than the one we can just call "the awesome and amazing perfect Vanessa room." It has a ni...