Last year when I heard about the opportunity to be a part of nuun's Hood to Coast relay team, I had just started blogging. I was convinced that the only winners would be full-time bloggers who run at 15 miles per hour. As it turns out, the team was made up of some pretty amazing women from all walks of life. Nuun decided this year to have THREE teams for Hood to Coast, so I am thrilled to have another opportunity for entry. I'm no stranger to using nuun - honestly! In fact, I wrote about how much I like it for hot runs on this post , which was my 6th ever post written well over one year ago. So I feel no guilt about plugging this brand wholeheartedly. If you feel like laughing at me for about 2 minutes, feel free to watch this video. Big thanks to Tim who did...everything that involves skill. I merely provided the bad acting while he did everything to make it look professional. If you like it, let nuun know! Leave a comment on their Facebook page and help me get a pl...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet