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Showing posts with the label best headphones for running

My Tip for Running Faster: Be Bored. Really Bored.

Once upon a time I was an awesome zen runner. I would run outside with no music and focus on my breathing and each footstep. Up until about six months ago I never had entertainment of any kind when running - and that includes a twenty miler on a treadmill with nothing to listen to or watch. In my defense, my own thoughts are pretty entertaining. I can easy fill three hours of running with thoughts like "I can't believe I can run so far. I'll totally run an ultra one day," " I wonder if Kim Kardashian's butt is real?" and "holy crap this is the worst feeling ever I'm never running again ". For years people have been telling me to shut up and I could never understand - I'm incredibly interesting. But one day I sick of myself. I know, it seems impossible. But it happened. So I got some headphones and busted out my iPod to listen to some music. I ran my first race with music last November (Chickamauga Battlefield Marathon)...