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Showing posts with the label nursery rhymes

Rain, Rain, Go Away....

You just know that starting out a blog post with a nursery rhyme title is going to be good, right? The rain was already going here full force this morning and I prolonged getting out of bed as long as possible by repeating rain themed nursery rhymes to hubby. Can I just say that he finds this undeniably hot? True story. Promise. Has anyone heard this one? Bear with me, I swear that this post is not (entirely) written for 4 year olds. "It's raining, it's pouring The old man is snoring He went to bed And bumped his head And couldn't get up in the morning." Is it just me, or is that the most sad, most depressing rhyme ever? NSF children, that one. Hey, kids! Let's sing fun rhymes about the rain. I know one about an old guy who gets concussed and dies! Not so much. To contrast with the depression of that last bit, here are the foods you MUST eat when it's raining, it's Sunday, and it's depressing to think about the fact that tomorrow is Monday: ...