Today was the first ever meal in our new house! Nope, not moved in yet, but we went over for lunch. We bought some sushi because that's hands down the favorite meal for hubs and I. I didn't think about the potential mess of dipping sushi in soy sauce and using chopsticks....on the brand new couch that was put together not 48 hours ago. Woops. Thankfully I yield chopsticks like a pro.... ...and then had to check the sofa to make sure no soy sauce was spilled during my photo-taking attempts. It's tuna for me every time, and hubs got salmon nigiri with some salmon, cucumber, and cream cheese rolls on the side: I obviously needed the fuel because today was yet another tempo run day. I know they are only once a week, but I swear they sneak up on me. Either I've just done one, or I have one coming up. Ugh. The plan was 1 warm-up mile, and 5 @8:59. Changed it a bit to be 1 warm-up, 4@8:56 average, and then one delightfully slow cool-down. Perfect. For some reason the ...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet