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Showing posts with the label waking up earlier to work out

Timing is Everything

Among most bloggers and runners in general, I'm the exception. I don't wake up and stumble to the gym in time for it to open, or head outside in the snow before the sun is up. I'm lazy. I run on the treadmill after I finish work at the completely acceptable time of 5:30 pm. And that's all about to change. Wow, that sounded really dramatic, but basically I'm just going to start working out earlier. I really have to cut out the whole drama queen act. My new plan is to get my butt out of bed and workout first thing in the morning. Don't pity me, because by "get up" I mean move from my bedroom to the office/gym room at the other end of the house, and by "first thing in the morning" I mean like 7:30. But still...big changes for me. Although I don't believe that January 1st has any magical powers that will help me to stick to this plan, I have a 4 mile race on NYE which happens to be at 5:30 pm. It's like they did it just for me. A...