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Showing posts with the label sodium requirements

Are You a Salty Sweater? The Truth About Sodium and Running

Before I started running regularly, I did my best to avoid salt. After all, if you want to lose weight you're supposed to reduce sodium, right? Here's what the American Federal Government's recommendations for sodium intake (as of January 2011) -if you're 51+ years old, black, have hypertension, kidney disease or diabetes, you get 1,500 mg. each day -if you're a healthy adult, you get 2,300 mg. per day. A teaspoon.  source Now most of the time, I don't have an issue with this. Salt isn't used too much in my cooking, and I avoid a lot of common processed foods filled with sodium. When I do indulge in a salty meal, usually from a restaurant, I get the associated water weight gain and bloating. So I'm happy to stick to my meeting my 2,300 mg. requirements each day. And then...summer arrives. If you're running in high humidity, you sweat. A lot. It's not pretty, and you're draining your body of electrolytes like sodium. On my long ...