So it turns out that marathons are kind of a pain. Like, literally - I'm in pain. Since Saturday, I have walked 2 miles, and that was on Sunday. That's three days since then with ZERO physical exercise, because one foot is pretty sore and I want to give it a break. And this is how I feel about that: I have, however, been able to spend some of that former "running time" doing some other things, including discovering a great new building store. I know, who I am? A new building store ? Yep, just said that. I've become so domesticated that soon I'll be driving around with those family decals on the back window of my mini-van. You know the ones I mean: Except that mine would look more like this, in all likelihood: That's more like it! Today's particular building store was newly opened, and so had just a few items. But it was definitely worth the trip. It was the "Restore" of Habitat for Humanity . They sell donated items, some appli...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet