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Showing posts with the label running without underwear

Going Commando

I thought about writing this post and then asked Tim if he thought it was a little, um, "taboo." He asked me if I would want my little brother or my in-laws reading it. I said no. I wrote it anyway. So far I have avoided a lot of controversial topics (having sex before races and long runs, anyone?) because well, the Internet doesn't forget. Luckily, I think I handle the repercussions of this topic. Deep breath. Here we go. Yesterday Kyria posted about finding the right pair of undies for a long run. I laughed at that, because for me - it was a futile mission. I tried them all folks. The tighy-whities. The granny panties. The barely-there thongs. It took a long run on laundry day to finally figure out what worked best of all - nothing. That's right. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Commando. Free balling. Got it? I know how gross that sounds, I really do. I used to think runners who did that were absolutely disgusting. But when you run out of underwear....well, you get desp...