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Showing posts with the label cold weather in Georgia

16 Miles, Dancing and Pecan Pie

Yesterday was the birthday party of a friend of mine, but her husband sent a text to my hubby about it and for some reason it seemed cryptic. Yes, I'm paranoid, but I kind of thought maybe it was a surprise party and I would ruin it by calling her up and asking what to bring to the barbecue. That's definitely something I would do. Anyway - nothing cryptic. He's a man of few words and it was just a number we didn't have. But still, I figured I better bring a bunch of stuff to the party just to be on the safe side. P.S. I'm just letting everyone know how awesome of a party guest I am so more people invite me to parties. I bake brownies! I bring beer! I bring bottles of wine as a gift! I made two massive batches of homemade brownies to take along. Ugh, fine. I mixed up the batter from two boxes. But I put it into the oven all my myself. Hubby helped a little with cleanup: If by cleanup you mean licking the spoon and then asking for a "refill...