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Showing posts with the label manicotti recipe

I Walked a Mile! (And Made Manicotti)

I had the best workout ever today. I walked a WHOLE mile. My treadmill was starting to really question our relationship, but with one 17 minute walk I have proved that yes, we are truly meant to be. Since the marathon (that would be almost 3 weeks ago) I haven't been able to run OR walk due to peroneal tendonitis in my right foot/ankle. Woe is me. Anyway, I have been feeling good for a couple of days so I tested it out and there was no pain. I'm crossing my fingers that tomorrow it's still ok.... Along with the walk I did a 12 mile easy cycle, 20 minutes of yoga and 20 minutes of abs/upper body. Most of that exercise was because it's good for you and blah, blah, blah - but also because this whole HBBC thing is making me competitive. I want more points! To make sure I got in my veggies today, I had this: That dip in the middle is truly amazing. Just take plain Greek yogurt and mix in a tablespoon of parmesan cheese, salt, pepper and parsley. Tasty, high protein and...