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Showing posts with the label weekly recap

Weekly Recap, New Eats and a Winner!

Another week come and gone! It hasn't been a week of anything spectacular but when nothing bad happens it's considered a win, right? Monday : 20 minutes of Spin, 45 minutes of yoga Tuesday : 6 Miles Running Wednesday : 45 Minutes of Spin, 30 Minutes of Strength Training Thursday : 7 Miles Running Friday : Rest Day! Saturday : 13.1 Mile of Running Sunday : 30 Minutes of Spin, 30 Minutes of Strength Training That last workout was definitely the best, because I had an awesome companion - hubby! We each tackled 10 minutes of cardio separately - Tim on the treadmill and me on the bike - and then did the strength training together. Push-ups, ab work, planks and tricep dips. Awesome workout! I had to bribe him with burgers and fries from Five Guys afterwards, and a trip to see the new Mission Impossible. It was good, but like 2 hours longer than it needed to be. We get it already. There's a crazy mission, a bomb, some guns and an international misunderstanding. It'...