Since I had a busy (and fun) weekend planned, I figured I should try to knock out my long run on Friday morning. I did 15 miles on the treadmill, watched a gazillion cooking shows and finished the run with an intense craving for a bacon donut. Have I ever even had a bacon donut before? No. But those dang Food Network people make them sound good. I thought I was a genius for just doing a long run on Friday before working, but then I remembered something. I had to work. Let's just say my body is more in the habit of eating and napping after long runs, so this was a slight adjustment. At night Tim and I had plans to meet friends at Olive Garden in Chattanooga. For the record, they have gluten-free pasta! Also the record, I refuse to spend $20 for pasta with marinara sauce. I had some mussels and salad and was underwhelmed. And bitter. Why does anyone go to Olive Garden if not for the breadsticks? The night was redeemed with good wine, great conversation and even some bowling...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet