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Showing posts with the label stress relief with running

Stress Relief = Running (Ok, and Sugar)

Yesterday was not my finest moment. The whole day I felt blah. Nothing seemed to be going right, and I had already decided it was a no run day. I was frustrated with work and annoyed with everyone and everything. Hubby would probably shout this from the rooftops  quietly attest to this fact. So what do I do about it? Nothing. Wallow. Eat sugar. Not four minutes went by yesterday without a lollypop stick hanging out of my mouth. Why I thought the one pound bag was necessary is beyond me. And dawned on me. Running! How could I feel bad after a run? So I took advantage of the last little bit of light we had left in the day and got in 4 easy miles. No pressure, no time goals, and I told myself to stop and walk whenever I wanted. I won't lie and say I came back farting glitter, but I was feeling much, much better. I realized this morning that I have been neglecting the food side of this blog a little big lately. Marathon training is taking over my brain! So here are some...