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Showing posts with the label mascara giveaway

Sorry For Being a Bummer - Here's Some Free Makeup!

I feel a little bad for burdening everyone with my pity party yesterday. While writing the post I basically made my mind up that I would never run again. I decided I would start lifting weights, maybe cycle, become a yogi...something like that. Last night, hubby looks over my shoulder and asks what I'm looking at. I swear, I tried to block the screen like I found nude Ryan Gosling photos. What was on the screen? A race calendar. Four hours after crying about running I was looking up new races. It's a sick addiction, people. Sick.  I did refrain from running today and got in an upper body and core workout instead, along with 30 minutes of spinning. I'll take it, but I already miss running. Ugh.  To make up for being a downer I figured I would hand out some free makeup to your guys. Remember the box I mentioned a while back that I got from Vocalpoint? Well they grossly overestimated how many friends I have. Typical. It's fine though, I have you guys to give stuf...