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Showing posts with the label stopping for drinks during a run

A Long Run and "Solemates"

Thanks to all the people who left questions on my last post,  The One Where I Reveal All the Crap You're Dying To Read . I'm working on the answers to your questions, but keep them coming if there is anything more you want to know about me! First, my "solemate": Yep, those are hubby's feet. And for the record, he came up with that. Also for the record, it's lame stuff  along those lines that makes me love him. Moving right along..... This morning I was determined to get a long run in, despite the heat. Genius that I am, I only started at 8:30. It took about 3.5 minutes before I was drenched, head to toe. I thought I had a pretty good plan though--hubby dropped me off on a 2-mile running loop, and would come back to pick me up 2 hours later. I had no choice but to keep going! I ran 9.25 miles at a 9:14 pace, and then 2 miles of walking. Pretty happy to have that done, even with temps in the 80s and 95% humidity! I stopped halfway through to get a...