...because they are ALWAYS hanging out. Besties. Never leaving the other's side. I'm pretty fit, enjoy healthy meals, love to run... And my thighs touch. left thigh.right thigh super.close.together. In high school, I would thumb through clothing catalogs and try to understand how in the H-E-double hockey sticks I could have legs that didn't touch. I blame Victoria's Secret models for my teenage obsession with getting the thighs to separate. I blame her. I remember my mom once telling me that thighs weren't supposed to be apart. They were supposed to touch at the top. Ok mom, whatever. You find me a 15 year old girl who listen to what her mother says about body image. So why did this random thigh topic come up today? Well, today I had another run on my treadmill. I busted out some new shorts that haven't been worn in close to a year, and did 6 tempo miles: While running, my thighs were literally "eating" my shorts. You know the feeling? W...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet