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Showing posts with the label how to stop feeling guilt

Guilt Trip & Comment Queries

Lately I've been feeling extra heavy. Not from all the Halloween candy (although I may or may not have put on 18 pounds thanks to the bags of Nerds which mysteriously disappeared) but from the extra burlap sack I'm lugging around on my back every day. What's in it? Guilt. Don't get me wrong - I'm not thief or a murderer, and as far as I know I haven't done anything to truly feel guilty about. So why am I carrying around all this extra.... crap? ! Worst vacation ever. Little things tend to build up with me. I go on and one ignoring them until they overwhelm me. Lately I've been dealing with some guilt over a lot of small things, but altogether are just too much for me to handle. So I'm using this post to address each thing I feel guilty about - and figuring it out. Right here, right now . Read on at your own risk! Guilt Trip #1: The marathon is in 10 days. I haven't worked hard enough. Resolution: Breathe! It's true that I haven't...