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Showing posts with the label eat clean bars

Naughty and Nice: The Baking Edition

If you're anything like me, Christmas baking is in full swing. I don't see anything wrong with plenty of delicious Christmas treats, but I do like to make sure I have some healthy snacks to turn to during the day as well. My mid-morning snack is usually something fast and easy to grab while I work. These bars are perfect: I found the recipe online as part of Tosca Reno's Eat Clean Diet, so I won't bother reposting the recipe. Just click here to check it out. BUT - I will say that I replaced the coconut oil with peanut butter and it was just as delicious. Those bars are certainly nice . Healthy, whole ingredients, and a great mix of complex carbs thanks to oatmeal and sweet potatoes. But for something naughty ?  Cadbury chocolates hidden in a chocolate chip cookie. I found these chocolates yesterday at the grocery store and quickly realized that they are Mini Eggs, but the Christmas edition! Note - bought yesterday and empty today. Each ball of dough got a co...