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Showing posts with the label bad runs

Death by Window Pane

So...our house has a lot of windows. I initially had a fear of crashing into them on a regular basis but luckily I keep them nice and dirty so that never happens. Finally, an upside to my slovenliness! Unfortunately for the birds who live nearby, the specks of dirt on the window aren't enough to discourage them from flying full force at the patio doors repeatedly. Today this little guy flew into one of the doors and Tim rescued him: His wings were working fine but he was pretty stunned, so Tim just set him down on the ground in the shade until he was able to fly again. The cats were definitely confused at why we were taunting them with prey just inches from their spot in the house. Is this treat for me? The birdie flew away fine and all was right in the world, but we're definitely going to figure something out to discourage birds from flying into all the glass doors and windows. Today I was planning on running 8 miles of hills on the treadmill, just like I did la...