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Showing posts with the label a day without photos

This is What Happens When I Forget Stuff...

Yesterday I did the unthinkable. I left the house, did mildly interesting things and did not take a single picture. Frozen yogurt went undocumented, new shoes can not be displayed, you will never see what my sushi looks like and hey, who even knows what movie I saw? Don't worry. I remember everything in vivid detail, so you guys can check out my sweet drawings of the day. Brace yourselves for unprecedented artistic talent. Um, ok...let's skip the first part of Saturday. I worked. At my computer. Like every other day. Moving swiftly along.... Aha! Biking. Hopped on the spin bike (which, as Kara pointed out, I have definitely gotten my money's worth out of -$25) and pedaled away for 1 hour and 40 minutes, or 26 miles. Only afterwards did hubby point out that was a marathon. HOW COULD I NOT REALIZE THAT? Shocking. If you think this is bad...there are so many more coming. Sorry.  Then I got what can be considered an early Christmas present - brand new running shoes. I...