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Showing posts with the label a healthful gluten free life

Tips for Staying Motivated

I don't know about you, but when I wake up in the morning the first thing I think about it not, "YES! I get to work out today." Maybe some of you guys think that, but most of us normal people don't. I definitely rely on different motivational tips and tricks to keep me working out most days. I wrote a guest post for A Healthful Gluten Free Life   today about how I stay motivated each day to stay fit. Check it out!  She has a really great blog featuring some amazing recipes and photos. Yesterday's creation? This little (edible!) jewel in honor of Lion King 3D: Also--yesterday's post on touching thighs got a range of comments, and made me realize the following: 1. 99% of you have thighs that touch. Thanks for the support. 2. Body Glide must make trillions of dollars each year. It seems like they could charge $60 for each tube and we would still all buy the stuff. I <3 Body Glide. 3. Rose is freaking hilarious. Her slogan about the issue? "Boys ...