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Showing posts with the label trip to New Orleans

15 Miles(ish) and a Little Help From a Cop

Last night I realized that the best time for me to have my long run this weekend was going to be Friday morning. The plan was to run 15 miles, at a 9:44 pace. Well--my average running pace was 9:42, and I covered 15 miles.  Ok, the truth? I ran 12 miles at 9:42 pace. And then I walked for 3 miles. I. was. exhausted.  When I started this morning at 8, it was 73 degrees and 100% humidity. When I finished around 11, it was 88 degrees and 95% humidity. It was torturous. I would give my left arm for a treadmill right now. Wait--then where would I put my Garmin? Oh, right. No need for one if you're on a treadmill!  I fueled the run with a Chocolate #9 gel (delicious!), a Powerade, and then Gatorade near the end because I just couldn't bear it. I got the bottle from a vending machine, and then spent 3 minutes trying to open the darn thing. Sweaty hands, a wet bottle, and weak muscles = me wanting to cry because I wanted my Gatorade! A cop drove by and I asked him really nic...