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Showing posts with the label omelettes

Omelettes and Giveaway Winners!

One of the benefits to living in the boonies is that your neighbors have tons of animals and gardens and bring you free food all the time. One amazing couple regularly drops off a dozen fresh eggs, which means I immediately go into a tailspin trying to figure out how to eat them. Sometimes they're great for baking with, other times I get creative and make frittatas. Most of them time, I fry one up for a sandwich or just make an omelette. We had some veggies lying around last night so we figured--why not make omelettes for dinner? Definitely no reason to restrict them to breakfast time! I sauteed some mushrooms, red onion, bell peppers and garlic together and then set the mixture aside. Then I beat 4 eggs together with a splash of milk, salt and pepper, and poured into the pan. Top with sauteed veggies, cheese, tomatoes, thinly sliced ham or chicken, spinach--whatever you have lying around. Voila!  I happen to know you're all dying to find out who the winners were for the A...