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Showing posts with the label larabar giveaway

Weekly Workout Recap and Random Tidbits

Another week of marathon training done! This one was a little different than normal, with my first ever rainy trail run, a long run outside (they have been on the treadmill for the last few weeks) and two full rest days--not typical for me. Here's the deets: Monday : Rest day! Tuesday : Ran 7 miles in the rain, middle 4 at tempo pace Wednesday : Circuit workout lasting one hour Thursday : Ran 6 miles, including 6 x 800 meters Friday : Ran 4 miles easy Saturday : Ran 13.1 miles Sunday : Rest day! Total Mileage: 30 Miles goal of getting in push ups (only once) and yoga (never) didn't really pan out. I feel like with a running schedule I HAVE to stick to it...which means everything else gets ignored. My bad. Lots of random tidbits today..... Random Tidbit #1 : I made hubs quesadillas last night for dinner, and wanted to use all the same ingredients in my own gluten free version. So I topped a spinach salad with mini nachos (wedges of corn tortillas topped w...

LARABAR Review and Giveaway!

It's no secret that I have a love for snacks. And bars? Be still, my heart. There is something so wonderful about their perfect packaging for one, pre-portion controlled, and sweet taste. But most of the time, I have to look at these bars as "treats" that are filled with additives, preservatives, and who-knows-how-to-pronounce-that sweeteners. So when I discovered LARABARs a few months back, I was smitten. Don't get me started on the variety Hands down, the best part of these bars is the ingredients. I love reading the label and seeing WHOLE foods, REAL foods, and NATURAL ingredients. No bar has more than 9 ingredients. So I couldn't wait to do an official review and I got some awesome goodies in the mail recently: I asked for a selection of LARABARs, because I love tasting new flavors. I got sent five delicious ones: Apple Pie, Blueberry Muffin, Cherry Pie, Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip, and Chocolate Chip Brownie.  Oddly enough, I am not in love w...