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Showing posts with the label eton 4-miler

A 4 Mile Race and a 7 Mile Cool-Down

The best thing about running a random distance race? Automatic PR, baby! The Eton 4-Miler is a tiny little race, but at $25 and only 15 minutes from home I was really excited for it. I started with a one mile warm up and then, naturally, posed for a picture: Don't let the singlet fool you--it was COLD! Even after the race and the awards it was still 55 degrees. It's definitely fall here! My plan for the race was to stick with 8:45 minutes miles, and gun for a 35 minute finish. I promised myself I would stick to the plan and not go out too fast, which is always my problem. I did it! Within 4 minutes of running I found myself near the back of the pack...EVERYONE and their mother had passed me straight away, but I stuck to plan. Here am I after 1/2 mile (the first part was a loop back to the start): After the first mile I held my speed and a lot of people slowed down. Loved passing people--it doesn't happen to me often! The race was really beautiful, on rolling hills and ...