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Showing posts with the label curly fries

Dealing with Disappointment (Curly Fries and Milkshakes Help)

This weekend was supposed to be my comeback to running. Last Saturday was 3 weeks post marathon, and it is not an exaggeration to say that I was craving a long run. I can't believe I just typed (or thought) that. WANTING a long run? I guess after a few months my body is used to it. Anyway, I was ready to come back with a run. Not a long run, by any means, but a solid mile, maybe 2. It was going to be beautiful. And then...while walking, there was pain. Peroneal tendonitis biting me in the butt (or ankle?) once again. So what's a girl to do? Simple. Go for fast food. Maybe not the healthiest way to deal with it, but we had coupons, I needed to go to the post office anyway, hubby was hungry.... Enough excuses . I just wanted something tasty and greasy. Two roast beef sammies for Tim, chicken tenders and delicious curly fries for me. And then this weird thing happened. We were done. We were full. But this appeared: And you just don't say not to a Jamocha Oreo Shake,...