's the thing. I've been sick lately. And I don't mean, " pass me the Kleenex " sick, I mean " don't make me walk more than 4 feet from the toilet " sick. I really should not have to add more to that description, I'm sure you all know what I mean. So working out is...a challenge. Never before have I more appreciated that treadmill. If you follow me on Daily Mile, you'll know my Monday night run took a little longer than it should have. Mostly because I ran about 2.5 miles, and then added in a sprint interval to the bathroom. Speedwork! Oddly enough, I actually felt like hopping back on the treadmill to finish up 4 miles. After that, my life has been mostly this: Ok, fine - and some of this too: Crazy cat lady style! Yesterday my diet of plain potatoes (no skin) and saltine crackers was not doing it. Rest day was mandatory. Today I'm feeling better, maybe because now I'm including honey. Perhaps this is just because I...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet