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Showing posts with the label okra fries

Gluten-Free Spaghetti and HEALTHY FRIES!

After a pretty horrific experience with rice pasta a few months ago, I thought maybe my pasta days were over since I'm been eating more gluten-free. I took a chance and bought a new corn/rice blend the other day: I was so suspicious when I cooked it. The previous rice pasta I made just FELL apart as it was cooking. No bueno . This one was perfect! Topped with some chicken breast cooked in tomato sauce and rosemary, and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese on top. Yum! In other food news, I've been seriously overusing my oven lately. It's just so nice to have one after so long! EVERYTHING is being roasted, so I've made some pretty exciting healthy fries. A potato cut up and lightly sprayed with oil, salt and pepper makes yummy "fries", but it's probably one you already know about: So here's one you probably haven't tried: okra fries! I got this amazing bag of garden veggies from my friend this past weekend: But I was a little stumped about what ...