Normally I feel guilty spending money on Starbucks treats, because house building mode = budget mode, all the way. Plus, I can usually bake something healthier and tastier at home. But today I had plenty of reasons to hit up the 'Bucks, and ZERO reasons to stay away. I enjoyed my very first Pumpkin Spice Latte of all time, a lemon square and a mini carrot cake cupcake: Alright, I'll admit it. I get the hype now. Pumpkin Spice Lattes are GOOD. I blame all of you for beginning what will surely become an addiction for me. So why did I go all out at Starbucks today? Two reasons: One-I ran 21.5 miles this morning, a new record in distance for me. Two: Jenn sent me a Starbucks giftcard straight from Hawaii! How I could I resist when all the goodies were FREE?! It was the perfect way to spend the afternoon. Reading in the sun, enjoying tasty treats and chatting with hubby. There MAY or may not have been a quick trip to a certain Nike Outlet which will be discussed tomorrow. Le...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet