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Showing posts with the label anemia

Iron Women: Do You Get Enough?

There seems to be a common trend among the diets of healthy eaters in the blog world. With such an abundance of people exercising and eating vegan or vegetarian meals, it's no surprise that low iron is something I see written about often. The last time I went for a check-up (3 months ago) I too was iron deficient. Are you one of the 20% of women who have low iron levels? Here are some symptoms: -Fatigue -Dizziness -Shortness of breath -Cold hands or feet -Chest pain -Brittle nails -Restless leg syndrome As women, we are even more prone to low iron levels since we lose blood because of that lovely monthly visit. Awesome . (Seriously wish there was some sort of sarcasm font to really make my point) Sometimes I get caught up in different areas of health: running, lifting weights, yoga, enough veggies, protein, etc. I end up focusing more on pumping this kind of iron: And forget about the nutritional kind of iron.  If you are concerned with your iron levels, you can supp...