First of all, if you don't get the title of this post, go HERE immediately to watch the video. Seriously, that video is one million times more interesting that anything I will ever write. Go watch it - it has over 100 million views for a reason. Awww, you came back? Sweet. Where was I? Oh, right. Are blogging buddies real life friends? When I started my blog about 10 months ago, it was in large part due to the fact that I had moved to a brand new place, wasn't working and knew just a handful of people. Now, I know two handfuls of people. Check out all my friends: Invisible friends and statues. Just elect me prom queen already, I am obviously insanely popular . In reality, hubby and I have met some great people. There are a few couples we hang out with and some pretty awesome neighbors that we are lucky enough to know really well. I have also met a few people through running/racing, although I wouldn't consider myself terribly ...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet