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Showing posts with the label accents

Weird Accents and Pad Thai

So - I was unsure how the old vlog would go over but no one wrote an email telling me I harassed their eyes so we're all good on that front. I got a lot of comments asking me about my accent and what the heck it is. Basically, I'm a mutt. American people think I sound weird and English people think I sound extra weird. I'm totally that kid who gets picked last for dodge ball and I don't fit in anywhere. Hubby liked all his comments. Seriously guys, you gave him such a big head. I swear he's walking around so much prouder today. I've never edited comments before but I'm going to have to go in and delete every reference to a hot, hunky, or funny husband. I spend a lot of time convincing him he's lucky to have me. Don't screw that up for me.  I think my favorite compliments were the ones where the commenters said I was "real." Really, if I was going to make up a fake blog persona it would be so much cooler than this. It wouldn't be...