My apologies in advance for writing this mammoth post. Feel free to skip it and head to the next one specifically about my race today. I just feel like I had a bunch of stuff to say and I know my mom will read it. Probably. Mom? Saturday Tim and I drove to Atlanta after a few hours of work and managed to time it perfectly with the end of the St. Patrick's Day parade. Not my finest moment. Turns out parades and city traffic don't mix well. Aside from that last mile which took 45 minutes we were fine and arrived at the oh so swanky Days Inn in Downtown Atlanta. Just kidding, the hotel was pretty crappy but for $70 and a five minute walk to the start and finish I'll deal with it. Because we were later than planned I basically sprinted to the expo - totally unnecessary. There was no line at packet pick up and no line when I went to the solutions desk (to switch from the full to the half). YES. That was my biggest fear about a race of this size and it was totally fine. The...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet