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Showing posts with the label fourth of july spent abroad

I'm Feeling a Little Un-American

I've mentioned before that even though I'm a resident of the great 'ole state of Georgia, I'm only half American. That's right, half of my blood is tainted with tea and crumpets and those weird hats that the British guard guys wear: Source While finding that photo I learned that each one of those hats is made from the fur of an entire Canadian black bear. I wouldn't throw red paint on a good looking leather jacket or anything, but bear hats are where I draw the line. Weird. So despite the fact that I drink tea with my pinky finger in the air and occasionally pronounce "tomato" oddly, I generally consider myself to be American. Over half of my life has been spent in the states (Hawaii, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and now Georgia), I have an American passport, I talk a lot and I own a fanny pack. Ergo, I am American. So what's making me question my authenticity as a citizen? The date of our British Airways flight booked for this summer: I ...