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Showing posts with the label writing work online

More About Me...(You Know You're Curious!)

If you missed the first half of my questions and answers, you missed out! I talked all about Mr. Gourmet Runner, how me met, and where I've lived in the past. Today: the rest of the questions. What I do, all about my workouts, and tons of fun questions! Me: What do I do for work now? I'm pretty lucky to be able to work from home as a content writer. Yes, that means I get all the perks like no commuting and setting my own hours, but on the downside it can be really tough to focus and really get down to business with all the distractions (*ahem* your blogs) What did I do in Hong Kong? Hmm...I guess I've never had an official "profession". In the past four years, I was an English teacher, part-time bookkeeper, intern at the Clinton Global Initiative, and fitting model for La Senza and Victoria's Secret. Obviously they hired me for my ample bosom. Oh, no, wait. Maybe not. Food and Workouts: What's your ultimate guilty pleasure food? I really lo...