I should have realized when I checked into the hotel and got a warm cookie, that the trip was going to be sweet. Thank you Doubletree, for causing a three day addiction to sugar. The cookie part was great, but they must pipe that smell through the hotel. All I could smell was warm gooey deliciousness every time I stepped foot in the lobby. I heard rumors of a great candy store in Savannah, so surprise, surprise , that was our first destination. What? It was so close to the hotel! Little did I know the place was like Willy Wonka's factory. Taffy conveyer belts along the roof Taffy machine. Oh the swirls! Those barrels? Heaven. Just leave me in any one of those and pick me up when the candy runs out in a day or two. Now, even though I'm not a candy apple fan, they were like works of art. Seriously! Just amazing creations. I was tempted to buy one in particular: Obviously, a caramel and chocolate covered apple decorated like a pig would make an AMAZING ...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet