This might be my favorite part about running blogs - reading the race recaps. It gets me excited to run my own future races, and more than once I've teared up as someone virtually crosses the finish line. But it's hard for me to remember the finer details of the race, especially mile by mile recounts. So I'll leave you with the big pictures about what I ate, wore, the course, and more. The Night Before : My version of carbo-loading was sweet potato gnocchi and some homemade chocolate chip cookies. I had tons of lists for what to wear, bring, pack, etc. Hubby and I attempted to go to bed at 10, but that failed, because I was tossing and turning all night long (well, until 4:30). Thankfully I had slept really well the nights prior. Food/Fuel : Breakfast was my standard long run meal: oatmeal with honey and cinnamon. During the race I drank a combination of water and nuun, and ate two bags of honey stinger chews and 1/2 of a disgusting, sickeningly sweet Gu gel. I honest...
Ultrarunning in Kalamazoo on a ketogenic diet